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Game Connect Asia

Submitted by PeterDavis on

Just wondering who from these forums is going? I wouldn't mind meeting some new people from the local industry. I need all the contacts I can get =] 04:45:32

Submitted by souri on Fri, 29/09/06 - 10:00 PMPermalink

You know what, I should really get off my arse and get to one of these AGDC's at least once. I'd probably have to be going by myself, I don't see any of my friends wanting to go. But there's definately a big contigent of Brisbane based Sumean's that would be a blast to have some sort of meetup with.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sat, 30/09/06 - 4:32 PMPermalink

i have a housemate who would love to go, just not for the admission price :
but i kinda have to if im serious enough about the industry, which i am. besides, it looks to be very interesting.

Submitted by Neffy on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:10 PMPermalink

I am going :) i know u all want to meet me so come too ^_^

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:14 PMPermalink

no, wait, i think i left my my apartment on fire. in december. sorry cant make it anymore.

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 02/10/06 - 4:52 AMPermalink

Still no speakers announced, and until there are I'm not signing up. The price is too steep to go pay not knowing what I'm going to get.

I understand it's cheeper than the GDC in the US, though that is much, much larger. And it's about the same price as the AGDC, but in previous years this has been a little larger also, and at least had announced speakers by this time.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Mon, 02/10/06 - 7:59 AMPermalink

well the actual keynotes sound interesting, even if we dont know the actual names of the people talking...

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 03/10/06 - 3:52 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=LiveWire]...And it's about the same price as the AGDC...[/QUOTE]

I remember AGDC being more around the $900 mark?

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 04/10/06 - 4:27 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=J.I. Styles] [QUOTE=LiveWire]...And it's about the same price as the AGDC...[/QUOTE]

I remember AGDC being more around the $900 mark?[/QUOTE]

Correct. AGDC hasn't been that cheap since the very first one in '99.

Submitted by Red 5 on Wed, 04/10/06 - 7:37 AMPermalink

Well I've just registered for it... hope I'm not the only one there

I'd love to finally meet and chat with some Sumeans.
To spot me, I'll most probably be wearing a T-shirt with 'Virtual Mechanix' plastered on it

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 11:03 AMPermalink

maybe i should wear my nintendo shirt to stand out. but then again, the shirt is so incredibly stylish its easy to not notice im a dork.

Submitted by Zax on Wed, 04/10/06 - 11:35 AMPermalink

Correct. AGDC hasn't been that cheap since the very first one in '99.[/QUOTE]

Ah, those were the days. The first one was excellent fun - the weaponry provided at the dinner was actually a surprise. Although the guy singing about the games industry at the dinner was a bit of a dud.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 12:01 PMPermalink

i guess $900 means that its an industry employee only event. i know if i wasnt under a salary i couldn't justify $900. gameconnect isnt like that

Submitted by Zax on Wed, 04/10/06 - 12:07 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] i guess $900 means that its an industry employee only event. i know if i wasnt under a salary i couldn't justify $900. gameconnect isnt like that[/QUOTE]

GCAP is $375 including the Masterclass.

From memory the first AGDC was $330.

Submitted by Neffy on Wed, 04/10/06 - 2:14 PMPermalink

The program looks really interesting I?m finding it hard to pick which ones I?m going to go to, there are even ones scheduled at the same time when id like to see both. :(

Im confused as to the difference between the Masterclass and megapass registration categories (apart from price) megapass includes masterclass and 2day conference rego. ... but what does masterclass contain. It says I can get student rates ... but what is a student rate and is there any disadvantages or things I cant go to as a student...

Its hurting my brain :(

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 3:58 PMPermalink

damn. i shouldn't have graduated.

I too am confused as to what exactly you get access to when you get the MASTERCLASS (presumably only one day?).

Probably because thats the only one ill be able to afford.

Submitted by Red 5 on Wed, 04/10/06 - 5:36 PMPermalink

I think each of the masterclasses covers a full day of one particular subject.

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 05/10/06 - 6:32 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=_Zax]Ah, those were the days. The first one was excellent fun - the weaponry provided at the dinner was actually a surprise. Although the guy singing about the games industry at the dinner was a bit of a dud.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, good times - an eager crowd of game developers, keynote speaker getting escorted out by security during the nerf gun fight, drinks a plenty, people ganging up on Microsoft, and a limitless supply of addictive blue mints.

Submitted by Zax on Thu, 05/10/06 - 6:37 AMPermalink

Ah yes, good times - an eager crowd of game developers, keynote speaker getting escorted out by security during the nerf gun fight, drinks a plenty, people ganging up on Microsoft, and a limitless supply of addictive blue mints.[/QUOTE]

If I remember correctly, it was an Intel guy (Kim Pallister?) who got escorted out for shooting a security guard with a sucker dart. It was a case of "Intel Outside".

Well, it was funny at the time.

Submitted by Zax on Fri, 06/10/06 - 5:06 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] damn. i shouldn't have graduated.

I too am confused as to what exactly you get access to when you get the MASTERCLASS (presumably only one day?).

Probably because thats the only one ill be able to afford.[/QUOTE]

The Masterclass is a full day session covering one topic in detail. Note that for the Sony Masterclass you'll need to be covered by an NDA.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 06/10/06 - 12:35 PMPermalink

So i get a full day on the show floor (if there is one) and access to one of the master classes on during that day?

Submitted by Zax on Fri, 06/10/06 - 12:41 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] So i get a full day on the show floor (if there is one) and access to one of the master classes on during that day?[/QUOTE]

From the web site it looks like if you pay for just the masterclass, thats all you get. There is no Expo on at the same time.

Mega pass is masterclass and 2-day conference, 2-day pass is just that (no masterclass).

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 18/10/06 - 2:59 PMPermalink

im still a little confused. so the masterclasses are in the top table, and the stuff outside the masterclasses are below it, in the coloured table?

and if there is no expo, why is there a big EXPO column down the main itinerary table? I am le confused

Submitted by CynicalFan on Wed, 18/10/06 - 3:24 PMPermalink

It seems fairly straightforward to me. Masterclasses are all on Thursday. And the expo is scheduled to run on both Friday and Saturday when the core conference starts ? unless someone organising the event has said otherwise.

The last table about student information sessions, are an expansion of the sessions that run on Saturday.

I didn't realise they had added speakers to the table. Looks like it is shaping up well, but, I'd still like to know who the keynote speakers are ? the Perth's GO3 already has their's up.

I'm guessing we'll know about a month out to the conference starting who the keynote speakers are and the majority of the finalised speakers for the other sessions ? hopefully for all of them.

Submitted by amckern on Mon, 23/10/06 - 7:31 PMPermalink

I am going along with 2 of my staff, hope it turns out good :)

PS. Email me if you want a preshow look at Prime (address in profile)

Submitted by Neffy on Tue, 24/10/06 - 4:45 PMPermalink

Its all making much more sense I?m really looking forward to going now.

Watch out for me I?m going to be making you vote for our unsigned game -_^

Submitted by souri on Fri, 27/10/06 - 9:27 AMPermalink

I just realised that I couldn't possibly make it to Game Connect. That weekend has been set for my dad. It's sort of a huge family + relatives get together thing. Doh!

Submitted by amckern on Fri, 27/10/06 - 9:29 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=Souri] I just realised that I couldn't possibly make it to Game Connect. That weekend has been set for my dad. It's sort of a huge family + relatives get together thing. Doh![/QUOTE]

Ah well, they will have to move GCAP then amckern2006-10-26 23:30:13

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 03/11/06 - 3:11 AMPermalink

Sidhe Interactive will be there with 4 staff total (too many deadlines for more to come across :( ).

There will also be a New Zealand stand on the expo for the second year running. Last time we only had 4 companies on the stand - this time we have 7. Make sure to stop by and take a look at whats happening development wise across the ditch :)

Just wondering who from these forums is going? I wouldn't mind meeting some new people from the local industry. I need all the contacts I can get =] 04:45:32

Submitted by souri on Fri, 29/09/06 - 10:00 PMPermalink

You know what, I should really get off my arse and get to one of these AGDC's at least once. I'd probably have to be going by myself, I don't see any of my friends wanting to go. But there's definately a big contigent of Brisbane based Sumean's that would be a blast to have some sort of meetup with.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sat, 30/09/06 - 4:32 PMPermalink

i have a housemate who would love to go, just not for the admission price :
but i kinda have to if im serious enough about the industry, which i am. besides, it looks to be very interesting.

Submitted by Neffy on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:10 PMPermalink

I am going :) i know u all want to meet me so come too ^_^

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:14 PMPermalink

no, wait, i think i left my my apartment on fire. in december. sorry cant make it anymore.

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 02/10/06 - 4:52 AMPermalink

Still no speakers announced, and until there are I'm not signing up. The price is too steep to go pay not knowing what I'm going to get.

I understand it's cheeper than the GDC in the US, though that is much, much larger. And it's about the same price as the AGDC, but in previous years this has been a little larger also, and at least had announced speakers by this time.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Mon, 02/10/06 - 7:59 AMPermalink

well the actual keynotes sound interesting, even if we dont know the actual names of the people talking...

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 03/10/06 - 3:52 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=LiveWire]...And it's about the same price as the AGDC...[/QUOTE]

I remember AGDC being more around the $900 mark?

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 04/10/06 - 4:27 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=J.I. Styles] [QUOTE=LiveWire]...And it's about the same price as the AGDC...[/QUOTE]

I remember AGDC being more around the $900 mark?[/QUOTE]

Correct. AGDC hasn't been that cheap since the very first one in '99.

Submitted by Red 5 on Wed, 04/10/06 - 7:37 AMPermalink

Well I've just registered for it... hope I'm not the only one there

I'd love to finally meet and chat with some Sumeans.
To spot me, I'll most probably be wearing a T-shirt with 'Virtual Mechanix' plastered on it

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 11:03 AMPermalink

maybe i should wear my nintendo shirt to stand out. but then again, the shirt is so incredibly stylish its easy to not notice im a dork.

Submitted by Zax on Wed, 04/10/06 - 11:35 AMPermalink

Correct. AGDC hasn't been that cheap since the very first one in '99.[/QUOTE]

Ah, those were the days. The first one was excellent fun - the weaponry provided at the dinner was actually a surprise. Although the guy singing about the games industry at the dinner was a bit of a dud.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 12:01 PMPermalink

i guess $900 means that its an industry employee only event. i know if i wasnt under a salary i couldn't justify $900. gameconnect isnt like that

Submitted by Zax on Wed, 04/10/06 - 12:07 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] i guess $900 means that its an industry employee only event. i know if i wasnt under a salary i couldn't justify $900. gameconnect isnt like that[/QUOTE]

GCAP is $375 including the Masterclass.

From memory the first AGDC was $330.

Submitted by Neffy on Wed, 04/10/06 - 2:14 PMPermalink

The program looks really interesting I?m finding it hard to pick which ones I?m going to go to, there are even ones scheduled at the same time when id like to see both. :(

Im confused as to the difference between the Masterclass and megapass registration categories (apart from price) megapass includes masterclass and 2day conference rego. ... but what does masterclass contain. It says I can get student rates ... but what is a student rate and is there any disadvantages or things I cant go to as a student...

Its hurting my brain :(

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 3:58 PMPermalink

damn. i shouldn't have graduated.

I too am confused as to what exactly you get access to when you get the MASTERCLASS (presumably only one day?).

Probably because thats the only one ill be able to afford.

Submitted by Red 5 on Wed, 04/10/06 - 5:36 PMPermalink

I think each of the masterclasses covers a full day of one particular subject.

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 05/10/06 - 6:32 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=_Zax]Ah, those were the days. The first one was excellent fun - the weaponry provided at the dinner was actually a surprise. Although the guy singing about the games industry at the dinner was a bit of a dud.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, good times - an eager crowd of game developers, keynote speaker getting escorted out by security during the nerf gun fight, drinks a plenty, people ganging up on Microsoft, and a limitless supply of addictive blue mints.

Submitted by Zax on Thu, 05/10/06 - 6:37 AMPermalink

Ah yes, good times - an eager crowd of game developers, keynote speaker getting escorted out by security during the nerf gun fight, drinks a plenty, people ganging up on Microsoft, and a limitless supply of addictive blue mints.[/QUOTE]

If I remember correctly, it was an Intel guy (Kim Pallister?) who got escorted out for shooting a security guard with a sucker dart. It was a case of "Intel Outside".

Well, it was funny at the time.

Submitted by Zax on Fri, 06/10/06 - 5:06 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] damn. i shouldn't have graduated.

I too am confused as to what exactly you get access to when you get the MASTERCLASS (presumably only one day?).

Probably because thats the only one ill be able to afford.[/QUOTE]

The Masterclass is a full day session covering one topic in detail. Note that for the Sony Masterclass you'll need to be covered by an NDA.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 06/10/06 - 12:35 PMPermalink

So i get a full day on the show floor (if there is one) and access to one of the master classes on during that day?

Submitted by Zax on Fri, 06/10/06 - 12:41 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] So i get a full day on the show floor (if there is one) and access to one of the master classes on during that day?[/QUOTE]

From the web site it looks like if you pay for just the masterclass, thats all you get. There is no Expo on at the same time.

Mega pass is masterclass and 2-day conference, 2-day pass is just that (no masterclass).

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 18/10/06 - 2:59 PMPermalink

im still a little confused. so the masterclasses are in the top table, and the stuff outside the masterclasses are below it, in the coloured table?

and if there is no expo, why is there a big EXPO column down the main itinerary table? I am le confused

Submitted by CynicalFan on Wed, 18/10/06 - 3:24 PMPermalink

It seems fairly straightforward to me. Masterclasses are all on Thursday. And the expo is scheduled to run on both Friday and Saturday when the core conference starts ? unless someone organising the event has said otherwise.

The last table about student information sessions, are an expansion of the sessions that run on Saturday.

I didn't realise they had added speakers to the table. Looks like it is shaping up well, but, I'd still like to know who the keynote speakers are ? the Perth's GO3 already has their's up.

I'm guessing we'll know about a month out to the conference starting who the keynote speakers are and the majority of the finalised speakers for the other sessions ? hopefully for all of them.

Submitted by amckern on Mon, 23/10/06 - 7:31 PMPermalink

I am going along with 2 of my staff, hope it turns out good :)

PS. Email me if you want a preshow look at Prime (address in profile)

Submitted by Neffy on Tue, 24/10/06 - 4:45 PMPermalink

Its all making much more sense I?m really looking forward to going now.

Watch out for me I?m going to be making you vote for our unsigned game -_^

Submitted by souri on Fri, 27/10/06 - 9:27 AMPermalink

I just realised that I couldn't possibly make it to Game Connect. That weekend has been set for my dad. It's sort of a huge family + relatives get together thing. Doh!

Submitted by amckern on Fri, 27/10/06 - 9:29 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=Souri] I just realised that I couldn't possibly make it to Game Connect. That weekend has been set for my dad. It's sort of a huge family + relatives get together thing. Doh![/QUOTE]

Ah well, they will have to move GCAP then amckern2006-10-26 23:30:13

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 03/11/06 - 3:11 AMPermalink

Sidhe Interactive will be there with 4 staff total (too many deadlines for more to come across :( ).

There will also be a New Zealand stand on the expo for the second year running. Last time we only had 4 companies on the stand - this time we have 7. Make sure to stop by and take a look at whats happening development wise across the ditch :)