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Independant Game Developers

  • In my first and previous post in this game dev log entry, I had written that I wanted to do a game which was a collection of simple retro games. Unity released a new major release (2019.3) while I was putting the initial project together, and I…

  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

  • Just a test #2. Still working on the new section.

  • So, I got a Commodore 64 when I was in the 4th grade. It came bundled with a Rolf Harris picture building program on casette tape which never loaded properly but from what I could tell by its box cover, you could build pictures from a selection…

  • Yes, the site looks very different and I've had to prematurely switch to this new theme that I'm working on for a few reasons, the main one is that changing certain aspects of the site to fit the new theme will affect how the old one looks for…

  • (this is just a test, please ignore this entry)

    Here is some of my old work.. the first pic is of a 3d model of a human head I was working on about 2 years ago in 3dsmax, using nurbs. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't model a head with…

I currently work for

Submitted by souri on

Redwyre mentioned that he was going to suggest an indie part of Sumea for you local independant game developers.. so throw me your ideas and suggestions here, and I'll see what I can do. What do you think? A section in the forum for independant game developers to discuss in? A special section on Sumea for IGD's, with details, profiles, and links to all the games in development, and whatnot? (I've built Sumea in a way so that it's pretty easy to add another section like this)...

Are there many of you IGD's out there? Give me a yell in this thread!

Submitted by Blitz on Sun, 06/07/03 - 7:55 AMPermalink

A link to projects in progress, or indie companies would be nice. I don't think theres any need for another forum (what would be discussed in an indie forum that wouldn't just as easily find it's place in the general or aus industry forums?)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by redwyre on Sun, 06/07/03 - 9:53 AMPermalink

maybe add indie developers to the developers page in their own list?

and perhaps a list of all the indie games, with a page each for screenies and details and links and stuff

Submitted by souri on Mon, 07/07/03 - 3:10 AMPermalink

That's a much better idea than what I had planned! The independant devs listing would be like what the developers listing is, and they'd have their own profiles, game lists, game info and pics.. best of all, I don't have to do much ASP to get this going! [:)]

Submitted by fuzzmeister on Sat, 19/07/03 - 5:49 AMPermalink

sounds like a plan [:D]

I'd be happy to be listed here... although i am looking for full-time employment, my game development no doubt makes me an indy.

Posted by souri on

Redwyre mentioned that he was going to suggest an indie part of Sumea for you local independant game developers.. so throw me your ideas and suggestions here, and I'll see what I can do. What do you think? A section in the forum for independant game developers to discuss in? A special section on Sumea for IGD's, with details, profiles, and links to all the games in development, and whatnot? (I've built Sumea in a way so that it's pretty easy to add another section like this)...

Are there many of you IGD's out there? Give me a yell in this thread!

Submitted by Blitz on Sun, 06/07/03 - 7:55 AMPermalink

A link to projects in progress, or indie companies would be nice. I don't think theres any need for another forum (what would be discussed in an indie forum that wouldn't just as easily find it's place in the general or aus industry forums?)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by redwyre on Sun, 06/07/03 - 9:53 AMPermalink

maybe add indie developers to the developers page in their own list?

and perhaps a list of all the indie games, with a page each for screenies and details and links and stuff

Submitted by souri on Mon, 07/07/03 - 3:10 AMPermalink

That's a much better idea than what I had planned! The independant devs listing would be like what the developers listing is, and they'd have their own profiles, game lists, game info and pics.. best of all, I don't have to do much ASP to get this going! [:)]

Submitted by fuzzmeister on Sat, 19/07/03 - 5:49 AMPermalink

sounds like a plan [:D]

I'd be happy to be listed here... although i am looking for full-time employment, my game development no doubt makes me an indy.