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Bigworld press release

  • In my first and previous post in this game dev log entry, I had written that I wanted to do a game which was a collection of simple retro games. Unity released a new major release (2019.3) while I was putting the initial project together, and I…

  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

  • Just a test #2. Still working on the new section.

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  • Yes, the site looks very different and I've had to prematurely switch to this new theme that I'm working on for a few reasons, the main one is that changing certain aspects of the site to fit the new theme will affect how the old one looks for…

  • (this is just a test, please ignore this entry)

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I currently work for

Submitted by souri on

For Immediate Release
20 February 2003

BigWorld official licensing agent for award-winning massively multiplayer online technology

SYDNEY, Australia. February 20, 2003 ? BigWorld Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Micro Fort? today announced it is now the official licensing agent for the BigWorld massively multiplayer technology.

The BigWorld Technology? took over three years and $8 million to develop. The technology offers the world?s most scalable, fault-tolerant, and customisable MMOG middleware available.

Microsoft has recently backed The BigWorld Technology? by using it in the development of a future Xbox release of a Micro Fort? MMOG game title.

The BigWorld Technology? is a unique approach to massively multiplayer gaming. It not only allows millions of people to play in the same world without sharding it also allows the creation of the next generation of MMOGs with technology that provides action-game style interaction with high levels of detail over low bandwidth connections.

John De Margheriti, Chief Executive Officer of BigWorld said, ?The BigWorld Technology? allows game developers to bring to market their MMOGs a lot faster than other alternative solutions. Our technology is complete? incorporating the server back-end, a 3D PC client and the tools needed to start developing games immediately. No other company currently offers such a comprehensive solution."

The BigWorld Technology? server architecture is based on modern distributed object patterns. It was designed to be free of the limitations demonstrated in existing MMOG implementations. The server is compatible with clients running on any platform including PC, next generation consoles. The initial solution comes with a PC client front end.

?Providing fast, smooth game-play, while keeping the bandwidth costs low was one of our key objectives,? said Simon Hayes, CTO and chief architect of The BigWorld Technology?. ?Our sophisticated and highly efficient load balancing allows thousands of players to come together, to play epic battles or attend grand weddings. The server cluster quickly adapts, focusing more resources on the area of high activity, keeping the load across all servers evenly balanced. The end result is a smooth game-play experience for the players, and cost-effective use of the servers.?

The entire BigWorld Technology suite will be on show at the US Game Developers Conference in Expo Booth #1634. Appointments are not necessary but are preferred. Contact Micro Fort? will demonstrate why BigWorld Technology has recently won the Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Awards (APICTA) for outstanding achievement in the areas of Information and Communications Technology.

To make an appointment and further information:

John De Margheriti or Robert de Waal
BigWorld Pty Ltd
Canberra Technology Park
Phillip Avenue

Phone: +61-2-6162-5120
Fax: +61-2-6242-5090

Submitted by Sertan on Thu, 27/02/03 - 8:47 AMPermalink

Thanks a lot, Souri! [:D]

This'll be a big help for my DT case study.

You even got contact numbers!

Yes! [:D] I'm a happy man!

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 27/02/03 - 12:07 PMPermalink

You better darn well get an A for that case study then.. no excuses.. [:)] Oh, and don't forget to submit it on Sumea as an article. [;)]

Submitted by Sertan on Fri, 28/02/03 - 9:46 AMPermalink

Sure. Glad to. [:)]

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 9:30 PMPermalink

Looks like Microforte have some competition with Bigworld now..

Silver Platter Announces New MMOG Middleware

Silver Platter Software, a middleware tools company, today unveiled Alloy -- a new networking engine for MMOGs. Based on distributed computing principles, Alloy aims to replace the server farms used in traditional client-server games with dynamically assembled "virtual servers" composed of player computers. The company claims this architecture is compatible with existing game development environments.

Alloy features dynamic scaling, so that additional server capacity can be raised by the publisher if demand turns out to be higher than earlier anticipated. The company claims Alloy can support hundreds of thousands of players in a single game world.

Silver Platter Software (formerly Horizon: A Glimpse of Tomorrow) will show Alloy at the GDC next week.

Although it looks like Bigworld offers a lot more (content creation and tools).. I wonder if they offer a license just for the server technology..

Submitted by Sertan on Sat, 01/03/03 - 4:27 AMPermalink

I will be focusing on BigWorld Tech though, since I have to look into an Australian innovation... BWT is Australian, right? Seeing as Microforte are Australian, BWT should be too... right? [B)]

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by Sertan on Sat, 01/03/03 - 4:40 AMPermalink

Oh, good.

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by Sertan on Fri, 07/03/03 - 8:58 AMPermalink

Some rather annoying news (well, annoying to me, at least):

My case study must be 900-1100 words. This sucks. I wrote a nice big 4000-word report and now I have to trim it down as much as I can. This will undoubtedly affect the quality of the final report...

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Fri, 07/03/03 - 10:51 AMPermalink

Hey, the 4000 word report would be very cool to read anyway.. send send!! [:)]

Submitted by Sertan on Sat, 08/03/03 - 12:27 AMPermalink

[:(] Too late... it ended up being about 1800 (I couldn't edit it anymore, but the teacher said it's ok...) words though, if you're still interested.

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Sun, 09/03/03 - 2:32 PMPermalink

Very interested.. send! [:)]

Submitted by Sertan on Mon, 10/03/03 - 7:34 AMPermalink

Cool. I'm happy to hear that. [:)] I'll send it to you sometime tomorrow. You don't mind if it's in Word, right?

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Tue, 11/03/03 - 9:01 AMPermalink

Yep, word is fine... looking forward to reading it!

Submitted by Sertan on Tue, 11/03/03 - 8:08 PMPermalink

Uhh... this may be a stupid question so sorry if it is, but where do I send it to? I tried clicking on your nick, and then "Send an email" but it only opened a small text box which doesn't allow attachments or the like. [?]

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/03/03 - 3:05 AMPermalink

send it to sumea at sumea dot com dot au ... thanks!

Submitted by Tripitaka on Mon, 17/03/03 - 5:09 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri

Looks like Microforte have some competition with Bigworld now..

There are a few different companies working on similar software (e.g. Lithtech), most of which went into development around 1999. But the difference was that while the other companies had great ideas that were the hit of all the usual industry shows, Microforte were the only ones who actually backed it up with progress two years later. That's what gave them the upper hand and eventually got Microsoft on board.

Posted by souri on

For Immediate Release
20 February 2003

BigWorld official licensing agent for award-winning massively multiplayer online technology

SYDNEY, Australia. February 20, 2003 ? BigWorld Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Micro Fort? today announced it is now the official licensing agent for the BigWorld massively multiplayer technology.

The BigWorld Technology? took over three years and $8 million to develop. The technology offers the world?s most scalable, fault-tolerant, and customisable MMOG middleware available.

Microsoft has recently backed The BigWorld Technology? by using it in the development of a future Xbox release of a Micro Fort? MMOG game title.

The BigWorld Technology? is a unique approach to massively multiplayer gaming. It not only allows millions of people to play in the same world without sharding it also allows the creation of the next generation of MMOGs with technology that provides action-game style interaction with high levels of detail over low bandwidth connections.

John De Margheriti, Chief Executive Officer of BigWorld said, ?The BigWorld Technology? allows game developers to bring to market their MMOGs a lot faster than other alternative solutions. Our technology is complete? incorporating the server back-end, a 3D PC client and the tools needed to start developing games immediately. No other company currently offers such a comprehensive solution."

The BigWorld Technology? server architecture is based on modern distributed object patterns. It was designed to be free of the limitations demonstrated in existing MMOG implementations. The server is compatible with clients running on any platform including PC, next generation consoles. The initial solution comes with a PC client front end.

?Providing fast, smooth game-play, while keeping the bandwidth costs low was one of our key objectives,? said Simon Hayes, CTO and chief architect of The BigWorld Technology?. ?Our sophisticated and highly efficient load balancing allows thousands of players to come together, to play epic battles or attend grand weddings. The server cluster quickly adapts, focusing more resources on the area of high activity, keeping the load across all servers evenly balanced. The end result is a smooth game-play experience for the players, and cost-effective use of the servers.?

The entire BigWorld Technology suite will be on show at the US Game Developers Conference in Expo Booth #1634. Appointments are not necessary but are preferred. Contact Micro Fort? will demonstrate why BigWorld Technology has recently won the Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Awards (APICTA) for outstanding achievement in the areas of Information and Communications Technology.

To make an appointment and further information:

John De Margheriti or Robert de Waal
BigWorld Pty Ltd
Canberra Technology Park
Phillip Avenue

Phone: +61-2-6162-5120
Fax: +61-2-6242-5090

Submitted by Sertan on Thu, 27/02/03 - 8:47 AMPermalink

Thanks a lot, Souri! [:D]

This'll be a big help for my DT case study.

You even got contact numbers!

Yes! [:D] I'm a happy man!

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 27/02/03 - 12:07 PMPermalink

You better darn well get an A for that case study then.. no excuses.. [:)] Oh, and don't forget to submit it on Sumea as an article. [;)]

Submitted by Sertan on Fri, 28/02/03 - 9:46 AMPermalink

Sure. Glad to. [:)]

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 9:30 PMPermalink

Looks like Microforte have some competition with Bigworld now..

Silver Platter Announces New MMOG Middleware

Silver Platter Software, a middleware tools company, today unveiled Alloy -- a new networking engine for MMOGs. Based on distributed computing principles, Alloy aims to replace the server farms used in traditional client-server games with dynamically assembled "virtual servers" composed of player computers. The company claims this architecture is compatible with existing game development environments.

Alloy features dynamic scaling, so that additional server capacity can be raised by the publisher if demand turns out to be higher than earlier anticipated. The company claims Alloy can support hundreds of thousands of players in a single game world.

Silver Platter Software (formerly Horizon: A Glimpse of Tomorrow) will show Alloy at the GDC next week.

Although it looks like Bigworld offers a lot more (content creation and tools).. I wonder if they offer a license just for the server technology..

Submitted by Sertan on Sat, 01/03/03 - 4:27 AMPermalink

I will be focusing on BigWorld Tech though, since I have to look into an Australian innovation... BWT is Australian, right? Seeing as Microforte are Australian, BWT should be too... right? [B)]

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by Sertan on Sat, 01/03/03 - 4:40 AMPermalink

Oh, good.

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by Sertan on Fri, 07/03/03 - 8:58 AMPermalink

Some rather annoying news (well, annoying to me, at least):

My case study must be 900-1100 words. This sucks. I wrote a nice big 4000-word report and now I have to trim it down as much as I can. This will undoubtedly affect the quality of the final report...

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Fri, 07/03/03 - 10:51 AMPermalink

Hey, the 4000 word report would be very cool to read anyway.. send send!! [:)]

Submitted by Sertan on Sat, 08/03/03 - 12:27 AMPermalink

[:(] Too late... it ended up being about 1800 (I couldn't edit it anymore, but the teacher said it's ok...) words though, if you're still interested.

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Sun, 09/03/03 - 2:32 PMPermalink

Very interested.. send! [:)]

Submitted by Sertan on Mon, 10/03/03 - 7:34 AMPermalink

Cool. I'm happy to hear that. [:)] I'll send it to you sometime tomorrow. You don't mind if it's in Word, right?

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Tue, 11/03/03 - 9:01 AMPermalink

Yep, word is fine... looking forward to reading it!

Submitted by Sertan on Tue, 11/03/03 - 8:08 PMPermalink

Uhh... this may be a stupid question so sorry if it is, but where do I send it to? I tried clicking on your nick, and then "Send an email" but it only opened a small text box which doesn't allow attachments or the like. [?]

- Sertan Saral

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/03/03 - 3:05 AMPermalink

send it to sumea at sumea dot com dot au ... thanks!

Submitted by Tripitaka on Mon, 17/03/03 - 5:09 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri

Looks like Microforte have some competition with Bigworld now..

There are a few different companies working on similar software (e.g. Lithtech), most of which went into development around 1999. But the difference was that while the other companies had great ideas that were the hit of all the usual industry shows, Microforte were the only ones who actually backed it up with progress two years later. That's what gave them the upper hand and eventually got Microsoft on board.