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Your best game purchase

  • In my first and previous post in this game dev log entry, I had written that I wanted to do a game which was a collection of simple retro games. Unity released a new major release (2019.3) while I was putting the initial project together, and I…

  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

  • Just a test #2. Still working on the new section.

  • So, I got a Commodore 64 when I was in the 4th grade. It came bundled with a Rolf Harris picture building program on casette tape which never loaded properly but from what I could tell by its box cover, you could build pictures from a selection…

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Submitted by souri on

I'd like to hear what your best game purchase is.

What is the game where you really got the MOST out what you paid for it - it could be that you got a lot of playing time out of it (are you still playing it), experience or satisfaction from completing it, amount of content it offered etc. So what game are you most satisfied with? how much did you pay for it, how many hours have you clocked playing it (or are you still playing it), or what else made it such a satisfying purchase?

Submitted by conundrum on Thu, 07/10/04 - 12:24 PMPermalink

ive been fairly satisfied with most games ive purchased, but the one which came to mind first was halo on xbox ( bought in a console game bundle a while back), it is a superb game as most people would know, but what i think made it a great buy is its co-op mode. my brother and had a lot of fun and still enjoy playing through the game in co-operative.

Submitted by shiva on Thu, 07/10/04 - 6:32 PMPermalink

Baldur's Gate 2, I still go back and play through that quite regularly

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 07/10/04 - 7:04 PMPermalink

Metal gear solid, it's always been a facourite and always will be. But i got the Halo pack as well for xbox and it is great especially playin with my pro, you just keep goin back and playin level. I cant wait for number 2

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 07/10/04 - 7:43 PMPermalink

Without a doubt it would have to be my purchase of Medieval: Total War, went halves with my flatmate so it cost me $25. I reckon I ended up clocking around 100 hours playing that game, I just HAD to completely conquer Europe. :)

Hmmm, then there's others like Magic: the gathering which cost me $5 at a fair, and of course Fallout 1&2 bought for about $20 each, and lastly Dune and Lure of the Temptress bought for $2 each from Bi-Lo. Can anyone tell I'm a bargain hunter?

Submitted by Barry Dahlberg on Thu, 07/10/04 - 7:44 PMPermalink

Half Life. I've probably spent more time playing Half Life MODs than all my others games put together.

Submitted by cutty on Thu, 07/10/04 - 9:42 PMPermalink

Thief 1 and/or Thief 2.

Loved the original games and have spent a ton of time with the editor and playing fan missions, some of which are quite a bit better than the missions in the game.

Submitted by eyeball on Thu, 07/10/04 - 10:33 PMPermalink

ogre battle 2, which maybe many people don't even know. it's a strategy RPG, with a fantastic story line and strong system.
and Baldur's Gate serie, final fantasy 7

Submitted by urgrund on Fri, 08/10/04 - 12:06 AMPermalink

i'd say Half-Life... the game itself was great, it was the "next step up" in mapping for me, coming from Quake1, it had a great array of mods for it... which increased replay value.
I still regularly play DoD today! :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 08/10/04 - 1:51 AMPermalink

Either Time splitters 2, Unreal Tournament 2004 or Mario all stars ;)

TS2 because i played that game for months and months, it never really got old (infact i can play it now still, its just ive clocked everything) and it had so many arcade challenges and multiplayer was a hoot

UT2k4 cause for starters its a fun and entertaining game but secondly the fact that it comes with UnrealED, something that i can do my own projects on and so forth. Its really given me a great boost in learning to make computer game content.

Super Mario All stars because i played that game for so damn long as a kid, common man, its mario!!

oh and urgrund, i still play DOD today aswell, quite a lot :P

Submitted by Triton on Fri, 08/10/04 - 2:11 AMPermalink

Goldeneye on the n64, spent hours trying to get all the cheats. Also, being a lil guy back before i was using a computer, it was great to have some multiplayer action with my friends.

Also Warcraft 3 tft [:D] i'm always on playing that, it's a great game plus i can easily get by on my modem.

Submitted by Makk on Fri, 08/10/04 - 2:17 AMPermalink

Morrowind.......3 years later and I still havent see everything.
Also close seconds would be Vice City and MGS1

Submitted by Blitz on Fri, 08/10/04 - 4:07 AMPermalink

I'd have to say half-life purely from the amount of enjoyment and hours i've clocked playing Natural Selection. CS and DOD also added a lot of value. And it only cost $20 :)
A close second would be the original unreal tournament, during uni i played UT CTF, and the TacOps mod a LOT.
Third might be Halo, much enjoyment has come from the co-op mode, although it fails on the multiplayer side of things...I got this for free which was good, as i was one of the early buyers of the xbox and got the "loyalty bonus" pack (2 games + a controller) when MS dropped the price from $650 to ~$400 a couple months after release in au.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by palantir on Fri, 08/10/04 - 7:01 AMPermalink

Most hours spent on a game: definitely EverQuest. Wow, I donated half a year of my life to that game! To think of the hundreds and hundreds of hours I clocked up in the quest for the bigger and better item? damn MMORPG?s. My life all but fell apart when I was addicted to that.
But despite the endless hours of fun I got from it, considering the ongoing fee, EQ was probably a bad purchase.
Can?t wait for EQ2! [;)]

So accounting for the hefty fee for EQ addiction, my best purchase would have to be Grand Turismo 3. I got that and my PS2 the day it came out, and I still play it on a semi-regular basis. Best value for money (even though the bundle cost me over $800 back then!).

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 08/10/04 - 9:18 AMPermalink

Most everything that has been the product of Square Enix / Bioware. Althought there have been a few oustanding RPG efforts like Morrowind ( despite its horrible bugs ) and EverQuest.

Submitted by Kane on Fri, 08/10/04 - 5:42 PMPermalink

Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 3 for me...

I bought them all years ago when SNES' were the in thing, and now I have them on my PC using an emulator...

In my opinion they are the best games ever made...[:D]

Also Super Smash Bros. Melee...I have clocked up a phenomenal (?) number of hours on that game and still haven't completed everything needed to finish the game (ie. collecting all the trophies)

Submitted by alia on Sat, 09/10/04 - 5:06 PMPermalink

Id have to say in this order:
Elite, I played that game to death.
Lemmings.. with all those expansions...

Submitted by MarkSA on Sat, 09/10/04 - 10:33 PMPermalink

For me personaly.

Halflife, then DeusEx, Morrowind and Thief series

Submitted by WiffleCube on Sun, 10/10/04 - 8:07 AMPermalink

BattleCruiser 3000AD!
An experience you can only describe as Phenomenal.
And it spawned a sequel, Battlecruiser Millenium..
not only Phenomenal, but Incredible.

Unfortunately in both cases the second adjective
I was thinking of was 'awful'; playing that game
can give you cancer.

Seriously, for replay value I'd say NWN. The different
characters you could choose, coupled with the expansions
both by Bioware and the game community gave it lots
of replay value.

Submitted by tbag on Mon, 11/10/04 - 5:45 AMPermalink

I would personally say a toss between Half-Life and StarCraft, but unfortuneatly i cant still say i own Half-Life. I own a backup of my brothers copy which he lost and its the last copy we have [:(]. However, that just reminded me to add it to my christmas list, the half-life platinum pack for $50 sounds good [:)].

But yeah Half-Life has always kept me going. I quite often play it all over again around every 3-6 months. Oh and aswell as the mods, i have probably spent around 150 hours (i honestly swear) on Counter-Strike alone. Actually to prove that, every two weeks i go to a friends and we have 8 hour lan battles of Counter-Strike and of course alot of caffiene.

As for StarCraft, i probably play a quick game of it every two weeks on I used to be on 24/7 for around two years, i probably spent around 200 hours on StarCraft. Keep in mind that this was when i was in Year 7 and 8 and didnt have a care for anything but gaming, friends and get togethers etc... so i would say the guesses are quite rough, but fairly accurate [:)].

Submitted by souri on Fri, 15/10/04 - 5:18 PMPermalink

Ah, some great games listed here! I have 3 games which I play quite a bit. Two of which, I didn't even have to pay for.

Gunbound. The rules are simple and so are the game mechanics, but it's actually quite difficult to master. But what makes the game so lasting though is that there are many kinds of bots' that you can choose and play as which provide totally different playing styles. It provides different tactics/weaknesses against every other of bot, so it makes it all the more interesting. Another plus is there is a small rpg element (levelling up, buying items which give you more defence, attack etc), which makes you stick around even longer hoping to get more cash..

You can download it for free, there are 8 servers running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there's always people playing in there.. I can't help but play it now and then for long periods of time, so I'm cursing Kezza for getting me started on it in the first place..

The second one is Enemy Territory. I think you all know about that game. I love the classes, and the different ways you can play in that game. And the missions are awesome.

The third one is Unreal Tournament 2004. Seriously, I'm blown away by how much I've gotten out of it for my $100. I have over 10 gigs of UT2k4 content, incredible mods, huge bonus map packs, and more brilliant maps and levels than you can shake a stick at. The quality of most of the maps are so great, that I'm just loading them up in Instant Action just to walk or drive around in them. The community has really taken to doing stuff for UT2k4 (different to what I felt with UT2k3).
The only problem is that there isn't as many playing it online locally. [:(]

So, the two main factors that summarise what I want in games. Tonnes of content [;)], and games that offer different playing styles, and depth..

Submitted by racrevel on Sat, 16/10/04 - 9:33 PMPermalink

i guess i have to say ninja gaiden i bought it the day it came out halo is another game but i only play it multi now, final fantasy x I still havent completed and on occasion i play sonic the hedgehog 3 after 10 years i still havent gotten round to completing that game but its still fun

Submitted by MrPenguin on Tue, 19/10/04 - 10:31 AMPermalink

Probably Quake 3 for me, seeing as ive easily got 300 + hours multi up on it :)

After that, Id have to say UT99, which i scored 3 days after it came out for 10 bucks, thanks to a pricing stuff up :D. Even if I only played it for around 100 hours multi, it was only $10.

Third place goes to my Parachute G&W (which is 15 years or so old now) which I have played for atleast a few hours every year. It sits on top of my computer occasionally as my loading screen game, only problem is I get addicted and forget about the PC game im meant to be playing.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 27/10/04 - 6:36 PMPermalink

Most id Games. Especially Quake 1 and 2.
Abuse (I should load that up again)
Total Annihilation
NeverWinter Nights. I still have never completed it. I just keep on making new characters.
Resident Evil

Fable is getting a fair bit of play at the moment.

Submitted by Rapid on Thu, 28/10/04 - 9:11 PMPermalink

Neverwinter Nights & Morrowind. I never get to finish them.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 31/10/04 - 4:36 AMPermalink

in no particualr order:

Metroid Prime - sequal in december!!!! can't wait

Goldeneye007 - Q: what other game have i played a single death match game for over 4 hours straight?

Perfect Dark - A: this game. everything and more than golendeye

DeusEx - bought it at $50 and i'm sorry i didnt buy it at full price when it came out just so i could have played it a few more times through. my fave PC game ever. played it again just last week. fantastic. pitty about the sequal.

Morrowind - very much worth it - even more so since i got it off my friend for free cos he didnt like it! (now that's value for money). had to uninstall it last year cos i was playing it too much and not getting my tafe assessments done!

quote:Also Super Smash Bros. Melee...I have clocked up a phenomenal (?) number of hours on that game and still haven't completed everything needed to finish the game (ie. collecting all the trophies)
i was considering putting SSBM in mine too. it was certainly worh the money many times over, but not as much as the above. anyway - i know what you mean, i've clocked up unbelieveable hours on it too and am still missing a lot of trophies. but i've finished everything on everymode - 'cept damn allstar mode on very hard! so close but slowarse gannondorf vs lighting quick fox, falco and young link is not a fair match!

Submitted by Anuxinamoon on Sun, 14/11/04 - 12:14 AMPermalink

Star Ocean at the moment cause its already been 30+ hours and I haven't even gotten off the second planet!
Baldurs Gate 2, finished it by myself in 4 months and then played it online afterwards for 6 months hehe

*shame* All the pokemons on the GB* I started playing it in 1998 and I still play it! [:o)]

quote:NeverWinter Nights. I still have never completed it. I just keep on making new characters.

LMAO! so true Aven... ever soo true :D

Submitted by Ponkavitch on Sun, 14/11/04 - 1:16 AMPermalink

For me no.3 is Syndicate Wars. for $40 i sent many, many hours playing that. and never compleated the last mission for the syndicate (I think it was the last one. the stupid one in the space staion that blows up it you do anything) and never played the Church missions. I so wish I could get it to work on my computer now.

No.2 would be Fallout 2 for $60 I think. I spent so many hourse trying to find everything in the game but never figure out to have Gecko survive in the end credits.

and the all time No. 1 Time destroyer of my life is Civilization 2 for $20. I must have spent many hundreds of hours on it. I was so looking forward to Civ 3 but was so let down.

Posted by souri on

I'd like to hear what your best game purchase is.

What is the game where you really got the MOST out what you paid for it - it could be that you got a lot of playing time out of it (are you still playing it), experience or satisfaction from completing it, amount of content it offered etc. So what game are you most satisfied with? how much did you pay for it, how many hours have you clocked playing it (or are you still playing it), or what else made it such a satisfying purchase?

Submitted by conundrum on Thu, 07/10/04 - 12:24 PMPermalink

ive been fairly satisfied with most games ive purchased, but the one which came to mind first was halo on xbox ( bought in a console game bundle a while back), it is a superb game as most people would know, but what i think made it a great buy is its co-op mode. my brother and had a lot of fun and still enjoy playing through the game in co-operative.

Submitted by shiva on Thu, 07/10/04 - 6:32 PMPermalink

Baldur's Gate 2, I still go back and play through that quite regularly

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 07/10/04 - 7:04 PMPermalink

Metal gear solid, it's always been a facourite and always will be. But i got the Halo pack as well for xbox and it is great especially playin with my pro, you just keep goin back and playin level. I cant wait for number 2

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 07/10/04 - 7:43 PMPermalink

Without a doubt it would have to be my purchase of Medieval: Total War, went halves with my flatmate so it cost me $25. I reckon I ended up clocking around 100 hours playing that game, I just HAD to completely conquer Europe. :)

Hmmm, then there's others like Magic: the gathering which cost me $5 at a fair, and of course Fallout 1&2 bought for about $20 each, and lastly Dune and Lure of the Temptress bought for $2 each from Bi-Lo. Can anyone tell I'm a bargain hunter?

Submitted by Barry Dahlberg on Thu, 07/10/04 - 7:44 PMPermalink

Half Life. I've probably spent more time playing Half Life MODs than all my others games put together.

Submitted by cutty on Thu, 07/10/04 - 9:42 PMPermalink

Thief 1 and/or Thief 2.

Loved the original games and have spent a ton of time with the editor and playing fan missions, some of which are quite a bit better than the missions in the game.

Submitted by eyeball on Thu, 07/10/04 - 10:33 PMPermalink

ogre battle 2, which maybe many people don't even know. it's a strategy RPG, with a fantastic story line and strong system.
and Baldur's Gate serie, final fantasy 7

Submitted by urgrund on Fri, 08/10/04 - 12:06 AMPermalink

i'd say Half-Life... the game itself was great, it was the "next step up" in mapping for me, coming from Quake1, it had a great array of mods for it... which increased replay value.
I still regularly play DoD today! :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 08/10/04 - 1:51 AMPermalink

Either Time splitters 2, Unreal Tournament 2004 or Mario all stars ;)

TS2 because i played that game for months and months, it never really got old (infact i can play it now still, its just ive clocked everything) and it had so many arcade challenges and multiplayer was a hoot

UT2k4 cause for starters its a fun and entertaining game but secondly the fact that it comes with UnrealED, something that i can do my own projects on and so forth. Its really given me a great boost in learning to make computer game content.

Super Mario All stars because i played that game for so damn long as a kid, common man, its mario!!

oh and urgrund, i still play DOD today aswell, quite a lot :P

Submitted by Triton on Fri, 08/10/04 - 2:11 AMPermalink

Goldeneye on the n64, spent hours trying to get all the cheats. Also, being a lil guy back before i was using a computer, it was great to have some multiplayer action with my friends.

Also Warcraft 3 tft [:D] i'm always on playing that, it's a great game plus i can easily get by on my modem.

Submitted by Makk on Fri, 08/10/04 - 2:17 AMPermalink

Morrowind.......3 years later and I still havent see everything.
Also close seconds would be Vice City and MGS1

Submitted by Blitz on Fri, 08/10/04 - 4:07 AMPermalink

I'd have to say half-life purely from the amount of enjoyment and hours i've clocked playing Natural Selection. CS and DOD also added a lot of value. And it only cost $20 :)
A close second would be the original unreal tournament, during uni i played UT CTF, and the TacOps mod a LOT.
Third might be Halo, much enjoyment has come from the co-op mode, although it fails on the multiplayer side of things...I got this for free which was good, as i was one of the early buyers of the xbox and got the "loyalty bonus" pack (2 games + a controller) when MS dropped the price from $650 to ~$400 a couple months after release in au.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by palantir on Fri, 08/10/04 - 7:01 AMPermalink

Most hours spent on a game: definitely EverQuest. Wow, I donated half a year of my life to that game! To think of the hundreds and hundreds of hours I clocked up in the quest for the bigger and better item? damn MMORPG?s. My life all but fell apart when I was addicted to that.
But despite the endless hours of fun I got from it, considering the ongoing fee, EQ was probably a bad purchase.
Can?t wait for EQ2! [;)]

So accounting for the hefty fee for EQ addiction, my best purchase would have to be Grand Turismo 3. I got that and my PS2 the day it came out, and I still play it on a semi-regular basis. Best value for money (even though the bundle cost me over $800 back then!).

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 08/10/04 - 9:18 AMPermalink

Most everything that has been the product of Square Enix / Bioware. Althought there have been a few oustanding RPG efforts like Morrowind ( despite its horrible bugs ) and EverQuest.

Submitted by Kane on Fri, 08/10/04 - 5:42 PMPermalink

Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 3 for me...

I bought them all years ago when SNES' were the in thing, and now I have them on my PC using an emulator...

In my opinion they are the best games ever made...[:D]

Also Super Smash Bros. Melee...I have clocked up a phenomenal (?) number of hours on that game and still haven't completed everything needed to finish the game (ie. collecting all the trophies)

Submitted by alia on Sat, 09/10/04 - 5:06 PMPermalink

Id have to say in this order:
Elite, I played that game to death.
Lemmings.. with all those expansions...

Submitted by MarkSA on Sat, 09/10/04 - 10:33 PMPermalink

For me personaly.

Halflife, then DeusEx, Morrowind and Thief series

Submitted by WiffleCube on Sun, 10/10/04 - 8:07 AMPermalink

BattleCruiser 3000AD!
An experience you can only describe as Phenomenal.
And it spawned a sequel, Battlecruiser Millenium..
not only Phenomenal, but Incredible.

Unfortunately in both cases the second adjective
I was thinking of was 'awful'; playing that game
can give you cancer.

Seriously, for replay value I'd say NWN. The different
characters you could choose, coupled with the expansions
both by Bioware and the game community gave it lots
of replay value.

Submitted by tbag on Mon, 11/10/04 - 5:45 AMPermalink

I would personally say a toss between Half-Life and StarCraft, but unfortuneatly i cant still say i own Half-Life. I own a backup of my brothers copy which he lost and its the last copy we have [:(]. However, that just reminded me to add it to my christmas list, the half-life platinum pack for $50 sounds good [:)].

But yeah Half-Life has always kept me going. I quite often play it all over again around every 3-6 months. Oh and aswell as the mods, i have probably spent around 150 hours (i honestly swear) on Counter-Strike alone. Actually to prove that, every two weeks i go to a friends and we have 8 hour lan battles of Counter-Strike and of course alot of caffiene.

As for StarCraft, i probably play a quick game of it every two weeks on I used to be on 24/7 for around two years, i probably spent around 200 hours on StarCraft. Keep in mind that this was when i was in Year 7 and 8 and didnt have a care for anything but gaming, friends and get togethers etc... so i would say the guesses are quite rough, but fairly accurate [:)].

Submitted by souri on Fri, 15/10/04 - 5:18 PMPermalink

Ah, some great games listed here! I have 3 games which I play quite a bit. Two of which, I didn't even have to pay for.

Gunbound. The rules are simple and so are the game mechanics, but it's actually quite difficult to master. But what makes the game so lasting though is that there are many kinds of bots' that you can choose and play as which provide totally different playing styles. It provides different tactics/weaknesses against every other of bot, so it makes it all the more interesting. Another plus is there is a small rpg element (levelling up, buying items which give you more defence, attack etc), which makes you stick around even longer hoping to get more cash..

You can download it for free, there are 8 servers running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there's always people playing in there.. I can't help but play it now and then for long periods of time, so I'm cursing Kezza for getting me started on it in the first place..

The second one is Enemy Territory. I think you all know about that game. I love the classes, and the different ways you can play in that game. And the missions are awesome.

The third one is Unreal Tournament 2004. Seriously, I'm blown away by how much I've gotten out of it for my $100. I have over 10 gigs of UT2k4 content, incredible mods, huge bonus map packs, and more brilliant maps and levels than you can shake a stick at. The quality of most of the maps are so great, that I'm just loading them up in Instant Action just to walk or drive around in them. The community has really taken to doing stuff for UT2k4 (different to what I felt with UT2k3).
The only problem is that there isn't as many playing it online locally. [:(]

So, the two main factors that summarise what I want in games. Tonnes of content [;)], and games that offer different playing styles, and depth..

Submitted by racrevel on Sat, 16/10/04 - 9:33 PMPermalink

i guess i have to say ninja gaiden i bought it the day it came out halo is another game but i only play it multi now, final fantasy x I still havent completed and on occasion i play sonic the hedgehog 3 after 10 years i still havent gotten round to completing that game but its still fun

Submitted by MrPenguin on Tue, 19/10/04 - 10:31 AMPermalink

Probably Quake 3 for me, seeing as ive easily got 300 + hours multi up on it :)

After that, Id have to say UT99, which i scored 3 days after it came out for 10 bucks, thanks to a pricing stuff up :D. Even if I only played it for around 100 hours multi, it was only $10.

Third place goes to my Parachute G&W (which is 15 years or so old now) which I have played for atleast a few hours every year. It sits on top of my computer occasionally as my loading screen game, only problem is I get addicted and forget about the PC game im meant to be playing.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 27/10/04 - 6:36 PMPermalink

Most id Games. Especially Quake 1 and 2.
Abuse (I should load that up again)
Total Annihilation
NeverWinter Nights. I still have never completed it. I just keep on making new characters.
Resident Evil

Fable is getting a fair bit of play at the moment.

Submitted by Rapid on Thu, 28/10/04 - 9:11 PMPermalink

Neverwinter Nights & Morrowind. I never get to finish them.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 31/10/04 - 4:36 AMPermalink

in no particualr order:

Metroid Prime - sequal in december!!!! can't wait

Goldeneye007 - Q: what other game have i played a single death match game for over 4 hours straight?

Perfect Dark - A: this game. everything and more than golendeye

DeusEx - bought it at $50 and i'm sorry i didnt buy it at full price when it came out just so i could have played it a few more times through. my fave PC game ever. played it again just last week. fantastic. pitty about the sequal.

Morrowind - very much worth it - even more so since i got it off my friend for free cos he didnt like it! (now that's value for money). had to uninstall it last year cos i was playing it too much and not getting my tafe assessments done!

quote:Also Super Smash Bros. Melee...I have clocked up a phenomenal (?) number of hours on that game and still haven't completed everything needed to finish the game (ie. collecting all the trophies)
i was considering putting SSBM in mine too. it was certainly worh the money many times over, but not as much as the above. anyway - i know what you mean, i've clocked up unbelieveable hours on it too and am still missing a lot of trophies. but i've finished everything on everymode - 'cept damn allstar mode on very hard! so close but slowarse gannondorf vs lighting quick fox, falco and young link is not a fair match!

Submitted by Anuxinamoon on Sun, 14/11/04 - 12:14 AMPermalink

Star Ocean at the moment cause its already been 30+ hours and I haven't even gotten off the second planet!
Baldurs Gate 2, finished it by myself in 4 months and then played it online afterwards for 6 months hehe

*shame* All the pokemons on the GB* I started playing it in 1998 and I still play it! [:o)]

quote:NeverWinter Nights. I still have never completed it. I just keep on making new characters.

LMAO! so true Aven... ever soo true :D

Submitted by Ponkavitch on Sun, 14/11/04 - 1:16 AMPermalink

For me no.3 is Syndicate Wars. for $40 i sent many, many hours playing that. and never compleated the last mission for the syndicate (I think it was the last one. the stupid one in the space staion that blows up it you do anything) and never played the Church missions. I so wish I could get it to work on my computer now.

No.2 would be Fallout 2 for $60 I think. I spent so many hourse trying to find everything in the game but never figure out to have Gecko survive in the end credits.

and the all time No. 1 Time destroyer of my life is Civilization 2 for $20. I must have spent many hundreds of hours on it. I was so looking forward to Civ 3 but was so let down.