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Player model

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Had a break from learning c# by making a new player model, britanny of gold digger.
Model, basic texture, animation in 3 days (less actually, time also spent rewriting bone spring code (to get tail to work well), like 2 days plus one recovery day, so yeah, the texture is very first pass...)
also fixed physics frame rate (physics was clamping without me knowing) which ment i could fix the jump heights
found a great new workflow which takes the time to get animations into ogre from 5min to 30sec, nice when software improves, makes change iterations much easier.


also been moving codebase over to using boost, and cleaning up code.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 18/06/10 - 7:53 PMPermalink

I am very impressed. I always thought Gold Digger has a potential to be more than just a comic book. I hope your work can drive it on. I am sorry for my English, it is foreign language for my. But what ever. I found on this page of you the .rar archive with your very first level with Gina. I want to ask, may I try to do some experiments with it? I am not a programmer, but I have some skills in 3d modeling and I want to try to add some details into it. If you are not against it, of course

Submitted by davidcoen on Sat, 19/06/10 - 7:07 PMPermalink

thanks for the comment, no worries about playing around with content, and good work on finding the website, stopped paying for that account so if the rar still existed, good work in finding it.

the rar has the movement prototype from 9 months ago, the exe is win32 and using ogre tech which the opengl plugin seems to be more compatible than the dx9 dlls.

if you leave me some point of contact in a few days i can make a new exe send you some wireframe cutouts of the textures to make it easier to work on. was going to change how i was doing gina's face though....
just spent the last week moving the code over to using new tools i have written to define content (mostly for definition of loading content (menus, player description, game data, rather than artwork. just a generic visual xml editor) artwork is ogre mesh, skeleton and textures, the .material files are txt files defining the material (will need to go home and check which ogre plugin for max i was using)

i have no internet at home so just occasional checking online at internet cafes, so sorry if there are slow replies. I'm currently working on this full time so curious where i can take it in a few months.

take care, and good to hear from another gold digger fan


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 19/06/10 - 8:26 PMPermalink

Thank you! I have already the .exe file and everything is working fine. And I have to admit it is fun to run as (low poly) Gina. Especially run animation looks very funny and it fits to Gina)) The physics are super! Only the boobies physic is enough to call it epic win! It is exactly what Gold Digger game needs))) Looks very harmonic.
I use 3ds max, i am already able to export to .mesh. So I rewrite just the level room by my file and so it is possible to start the level with my version and models but without textures. (I know only noobs do so, but as I said, i am not a programmer, so I do it my way) Now I am trying to do some meshes of models, then I will add them to the level. I can show you the result on youtube, I have already wrote to you there(DeluXRX). This is my icq 420073085. I will be very glad for any content and help.

Good Luck and good Progress in your Project)


P.S. i only hope, you can understand in spite of my english))