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my own website

It's been ages since I last posted something. I've been working on putting together my own website.

Please check it out and let me know what you think.


Submitted by Brain on Tue, 07/03/06 - 6:44 AMPermalink

Nice, easy to navigate layout. Big fan of your 3d modelin' @:-)

Only crit is put a link to your demo reel a bit more prominently. I only happened upon it due to looking through ALL the site. If I never wanted to contact you, I'd never see it. And the reel might make an employer want to contact you.

Submitted by Neilb on Tue, 07/03/06 - 9:19 PMPermalink

Great work Dan.

But where is Anubis/Egyptian Dog dude and the Beast from Hail? They rocked -especially the beast with animations.

Be nice to see the centerror with finished textures on his hands and weapon rather than the textporter smoothed normals shading.

Submitted by Kratos on Thu, 09/03/06 - 6:13 AMPermalink

Downloaded Demo reel , it pauses in the first couple of seconds.

Submitted by Schlumppy on Tue, 28/03/06 - 9:17 AMPermalink

Thanks for the replies and checking out my site. I have fixed a few things and made some changes. Made the link to my demo reel more prominent as suggested by Brain. Mutant_fork; I went through my old back-up CDs from Tafe a found the Hail game animations. They are now uploaded on the movie page.


embryology - The branch of biology that deals with the formation, early growth, and development of living organisms

went and bought a big new sketchbook that i plan on filling with lots of this junk.
heres the first sketch.




hope you dig these..
critic welcome or whatever..


Submitted by Brain on Sat, 04/03/06 - 6:36 AMPermalink

*laughs* Love the yoyo @:-D Some really great stuff going on here. I'd want to read indepth about these characters, so you've definitely got me fascinated.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 06/03/06 - 4:50 AMPermalink

looking great alti. Ive seen some awesome work done where people regarded the sketchbook itself like a work of art in its entierity. I think the term for these is supposed to be visual diaries or some such, in any case im about to start keeping one myself for uni

Submitted by J I Styles on Mon, 06/03/06 - 11:56 AMPermalink

really digging your recent pencils -- seems you're working up gradually just in tones after a loose sketch nowadays? Either way, it's working for you - you're getting quite a bit of control and incidental detail from the forms you're pushing in there, especially on walk the dog, and mr. back scratch.

I'd love to see what you could do with a fine tip eraser pen to put some tight highlights in there, or whatever those cardboard pencil things are called (the name escapes me) that you use to smudge but with clean edging.

keep it up! [:)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 22/04/06 - 11:01 PMPermalink

the colour is brilliant! it adds so much to the overall image, the overall use of light around that area was well structured (the silouhetted border like shapes, the light shafts etc, it looks great). The creature could have used a tad more definition but then again that seems to be your style. It just depends what kind of purpose you intend to direct this towards (ie its ok if this is just supposed to be a fine art kind of thing)

Submitted by J I Styles on Thu, 04/05/06 - 9:41 PMPermalink

thoughts and critiques:

colour = sexy

it's great to see you working in a wider and more vivid range of contrast - would love to see more of the brush work that you where doing a while ago though (kinda sparth-ish). I think you could really develop your style further with your own brush work.

keep it coming!

Submitted by Alti on Thu, 04/05/06 - 11:04 PMPermalink

i'd love to do a texture for somebody if they have a texture sheet i can work on, i'd just like to see how i go with it.
i got a whole bunch of gnomon dvds on texture painting and it looks preety far out.

Submitted by parka on Wed, 24/05/06 - 10:42 AMPermalink

... I love. They look fantastic. They sort of remind me of this film called Mirror Mask. Have you seen it?... Sort of remind me. Well that's the first thing I thought, but anyway. If you haven't seen it, then you should. BUT I really, really like your stuff. So obscure and [I quote J.I Styles] the colour is sexy.
Please sir, I want some more.

Submitted by codyalday on Tue, 13/06/06 - 5:58 PMPermalink

Awesome work man, I like them a lot. Keep it up please.

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 13/06/06 - 10:54 PMPermalink

These are great. Nice colours.

Submitted by picpoc on Wed, 14/06/06 - 8:06 PMPermalink

love your work! they're great!!!

Submitted by skripturez on Wed, 14/06/06 - 11:36 PMPermalink

painter is definately your friend... compliments your style beautifully. keep it up mate.

War General

Here is my entry to the dominace war. I am a member of the black and green army; Team Polycount

He is supposed to be a general of several wars. Due to horrific injuries suffered in combat, he now dictates the battle from deep within the Polycount fortress, blah, blah, blah.
The statrs will be-
5k tris
1024 normal, diffuse and spec maps.

Started on the low poly-

Going to split it up into different segments. Since it is normal mapped I going to have to cap of the low poly bits. A bit of waste of polies I know but I think its going to make things easier.

Anyway and crits (especially in regards to how my low poly is going to transtion from the high ploy source model) would be good.
Ive got like a week to build the low poly, Uv map it, generate the normal map, texture and pose it. Oh and build a normal mapped podium for him to stand on *gulp!*

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 02/03/06 - 2:05 AMPermalink

Good luck mate, i've had to give up on my entry - been to strapped for time - but I hope to see you finish.

Submitted by Makk on Thu, 02/03/06 - 7:06 AMPermalink

Thanks livewire, its a pity you wont get to finish yours but its understandable.

Progress on the legs...
Im planning on mirroring them, though I know that cuases a seam with the normals, though I think you can use the edit normals modifier to fix this. (Saw it on one of Ben Mathis vid tuts [url][/url] ).

Submitted by Lloyd on Fri, 03/03/06 - 12:29 AMPermalink

Hey Makk,

Cool character dude.

Being new to the whole normal mapping thing myself, I thought I would raise a question. I notice Makk has done his high res model first, which he is using as the bases to construct his low resolution mesh. Personally, I would always create the low res first and take into zbrush.

From observation, I have only ever really seen ppl model low then create their high res from that. So, my question being, is it wiser to create the low or high first or is it just personal workflow?


Submitted by Makk on Fri, 03/03/06 - 1:09 AMPermalink

I think its just personal workflow. Dont think it really matters as long as you can get the end result looking good.

Reason why I create the high poly first and on a seperate mesh is becuase when doing the the high poly, Im only concerned about surface detial. No need to worry about building so it animates correctly, etc. Plus you can get away with building it in separete pieces and have it just floating there.
Also, you have too model differently as well. Like specifically when dealing with sharp/soft edges since that depends on the placement of them.
Finally, its generally a bad idea to have traingles, but (mostly) ok to have 5 sided polies in high res stuff. Where as the low poly you can have triangles but not 5 sided polies.

Make sense?

Oh and I just noticed I havent given him any eyebrows! Speaking of, I was going to use the PS normal filter to generate the hair strokes on the hair and eyebrows. Anybody had any experience with that? and how did it turn out?

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 13/03/06 - 7:28 PMPermalink

so did you end up getting it in on time?

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 14/03/06 - 3:59 AMPermalink

in regards to hair and eyebrows, I strongly suggest doing barbie hair in either max or zbrush first, then doing fiber strokes in post the nv filter -- I have done hair fiber in zbrush before, but it takes quite a few million polys to get a nice flow, and a whole lot of fiddling around in projection master to smooth it all out and looking good. Too much hassle than it's worth.

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 14/03/06 - 9:35 AMPermalink

err...whats barbie hair? Is that like doing it in lots of of seperate planes? I did try doing in zbrush with the fiberbrush, but yeah, it was too fidly and didnt look like proper flowing hair.

Livewire I probably could rush it since Ive just got to finish off the boots and gun and add a a base, but I really feel it just isnt worth it anymore. However I WILL finish it.

So I was playing around with the posing (using bones and the skin modifier) and is it the mesh itself or is the poor rigging making his arms stretch out longer then what they are...

Here is the wires to compare..

Oh and ANY crits would be good since I cant seem to get anything from polycount board.

Submitted by J I Styles on Wed, 15/03/06 - 9:13 AMPermalink

barbie hair equals:


molded large mass approximating the hair volume. Only tackle individual hair fibers in zbrush if you're willing to make custom brushes to use in projection master to get correct layering and then dick around with the flow where you drop and pick up on edges. I strongly suggest against using the fiber brush for this sort of thing since it's just a mess [:)]

Dodgy Programmer Art

I've been playing a cool little game lately, and felt a sudden inspiraton to make some fan-art. Of course, my l33t skillz hardly match the artist's vision, but what the hey :)

link to bigger version too[/url]

...and no, I didn't start from scratch [:X]

Submitted by Triton on Tue, 28/02/06 - 9:44 AMPermalink

As if that is dodgy programmer art! You put the rest of us programmers to shame [:D]

It's probably not even in MSPaint zoommmggg!

I like it [:)]

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 28/02/06 - 10:12 AMPermalink

heh, there's no way I'm getting the katamari on the rocks song out of my head now... KATAMARI BEAT BOXING FOR ALL!!!

Submitted by Brain on Tue, 28/02/06 - 10:51 AMPermalink

*laughs* I hired out We Love Katamari the other day and have fallen head over heels for it.

However, the lass has been driven crazy due to the theme bounding about her cranium. Na, na na na na na na nah, na na na nana naaa...

My first character pic

I'm not really an artist of any sorts, but this is my first real portrait (of an RP char of mine) and I'm real proud anyway, so here goes:



Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Mon, 27/02/06 - 10:49 PMPermalink

quote:I'm not really an artist of any sorts

Pffft [:p]

Theres talant there so keep on sharing the love and do some more drawings to show off [:)]

Submitted by Angel on Sun, 05/03/06 - 1:09 AMPermalink

Here's another pic that I'm working on:

It's for a friends RP character.. I've yet to do her teeth and I've still gotta fix the shading and such. Not to mention add the bottom.. but feedback would be appreciated. Y'know when you draw something, you can sometimes get too close to it and it's hard to see it from an outsiders perspective.. well those are the things I'm tryna find out.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 06/03/06 - 4:46 AMPermalink

I cant be the greatest critic of digital painting technique but one thing that stands out.. her eyes! they arent level. Id say its the left one thats off, it needs to be moved up and inwards.

Submitted by Angel on Mon, 06/03/06 - 5:08 AMPermalink

Oh yep, agreed! Thanks MoonUnit :)

Submitted by Angel on Thu, 30/03/06 - 9:48 AMPermalink

This is another one that I've started quickly:

I've just got concept scribbles for the body but I've started working on her head.

Like the others, they're all just hobby sketches for fun.


Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 31/03/06 - 7:21 AMPermalink

im not great for crit on anything other then what jumps out at me and again its the eyes. The (our) right eye is rotated as if her head was straight and dead on. Essentially it needs to be rotated to the right slightly. To see what i mean cut out the image in PS and rotate the head so it is actually straight on. In situations like this it can be usefull to check youve got everything setup correctly (another common problem is having on cheeck actually higher then the other).

Submitted by Angel on Fri, 31/03/06 - 9:04 AMPermalink

Thanks for the tip, it's a good idea. I've been having trouble lining the eyes up properly in all the sketches I do, so hopefully once I get a few of them right then it won't be a problem for me anymore. I appreciate the feedback :) Maybe I should do the line art and before adding any colour, just make sure that the anatomy is correct.. making changes would sure be easier at that stage.

Interior Scene

Hey Guys,

Have just done this scene over the last 2 days. Thought I would give an interior scene a shot. I have much to learn about lighting. It's definitely a subject I wish to pursue furthur in my work.

The pop art was just taken from google searches.

All comments/crits welcome. I'm sure there will be some things that need a tweak.



Submitted by Makk on Sat, 25/02/06 - 10:11 AMPermalink

Looks good. The modelling of objects looks well done.
The lighting is good, though this is more of a personal taste then a critique, the lighting is abit bright. You might want to play with softening the ligthing and creating some more shadows in there.
Looks good how it is though :)
Whats the poly and texture stats?

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 25/02/06 - 10:22 AMPermalink

yes looks good, definatly agree about the lighting though, a bit more intense than usual, clearly seen from the hotspot in the centre of the floor, which might be a little shiny too - not that there couldnt be a floor that shiny, it's just that i wouldn't want to try and walk on it while wearing socks.

Submitted by Lloyd on Tue, 28/02/06 - 1:15 AMPermalink

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the comments!

I will post a new render in the days to come. The lighting is probably a bit too bright and the floor could do with a little less shine.

In terms of the polys and textures Makk, the scene is roughly 6000 and textures are shared between standard max materials (just things like the couch)and a few photosourced objects like the remote. No textures over 512x512.

Submitted by mcdrewski on Tue, 28/02/06 - 2:50 AMPermalink

I'm no artist, but I do spend all day looking at interior scenes :)

That's excellent work, the floor's typically "real-estate-glamour photo" polished to within an inch of it's life which is actually not unrealistic. Your skirting board is casting some slightly odd shadows though, I'm not sure what the profile of it is, but it looks quite unusual. The remote's also a bit flat-looking (it doesn't look thick enough to have batteries in it!) but that's probably not a mistake - only wishful thinking :)

I've attached a quick shot from [url=""]MyVirtualHome[/url] which I knocked up in a few minutes. if you're interested in mucking around with lighting of interior scenes this is a pretty quick way to do that...

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]Screenshot047.jpg[/url]
139.58 KB

Submitted by Lloyd on Tue, 28/02/06 - 3:06 AMPermalink

Hi mcdrewski,

Thanks for the comments! Do you work at MyVirtualHome? I just applied for a job there.

I believe the skirting board is casting those shadows due to the fact that it is T Style skirting whereby the edging at the top overhangs the rest. In terms of the remotes thickness, I'm basing it on my DVD remote which is very slimline with super small batteries. It can easily be fattened up though :).

Thanks again.

War General WIP

For those of you that dont know, [url=""]Polycount[/url] and [url=""]CgChat[/url] are having a friendly competition between themselves. The comp is to model a futuristic War General, and you've got 5000tris and 1024 worth of texture space (including normaal, bump, spec and just about whatever else you want) play with.
I've entered and joined the CgChat team, who are doing the 'good guys'.

This is my mesh so far, i'm going for a Amreaican Civil War era look, with some sci-fi mixed in, though i think most of that will come across in the texture.


I'm not entirly happy with it, and I blame that on the fact i havn't done any character modeling in almost a year, and that i havnt modeled for normal mapping before so i'm not entirly sure of what im doing.
That, and I'm that great a character modeler to start with. Still, i enjoy it and i'm not going to improve if i dont keep doing it.

There's two and a half weeks of the comp left, which means it's about time i moved onto the high poly wether i'm happy with it or not, since it's taken me this long to get the mesh done with all my other distractions. Hopefully i'll make the deadline though, even if it means comming straight home from work and barricading myself in front of my computer for the next couple of weks.[:)]

Submitted by Makk on Mon, 20/02/06 - 2:23 AMPermalink

Hah! you and Shape (eightbitnasty) are foolish in joining the sinking ship known as teamCgChat! The black and green army wil rule the universe >insert evil laugh here<

Seriously though, it looks like a good start and the texture should be good. Though maybe the torso isnt wide enough...or maybe its that the arms might be a bit thick. Not sure, have a play around with it.
And goodluck...........................cause CgChat are gonna need it!! ;) *evil dance*

Submitted by eightbitnasty on Mon, 20/02/06 - 2:39 AMPermalink

don't lisn't to Makk! We may look like we have some catching up to do.. but slow and steady wins the race.. and we only need one winner to dominate!


But yep I agree with Makk on the crits.. keep playing with the proportions and mass a bit for sure. Could help in giving him a bit more stature.

Submitted by Delmo on Thu, 23/02/06 - 3:31 AMPermalink

Good work, when modeling the low and high poly model for normal mapping avoid 90 degree angles for nicer normal maps also make sure the unwrap is best as possible.

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 23/02/06 - 6:40 AMPermalink

I'm kinda struggeling a tthe moment with normal mapping him. having never done it before i've done a few tests on spheres and mirrored and various shared texture space geometry. But by the looks of it this first attempt isnt goig ot come off to well. I think most of the areas should be fine, but a few areas - such as the sholder guards - have open edges (and basically no back) which so far has caused some pretty ugly results trying to get the normal mapping in max to work (the cage dosnt capture all the normals from the high poly, and if i extend it so it does other normals end up moved to the wrong place). can anyone offer any advice when i comes to normal mapping objects with open edges?

i'm not sure what you mean Delmo by making sure the unwrap is as best as possible - not as it relates to normal mapping. Here's my unwrap i packed last night (full version will be 1024): very little stretching and seams where they can best be hid, as i would for any model. There is a lot of things sharing texture space but hopfully this should look alright (i did the shared space normal map test prior to packing these).


At the moment it dosnt look like i'm going to get this done in time for the comp, but i'll keep trying anyway. If i dont i might finish this or perhaps do a simpler model for the purposes of getting normal mapping right before i attempt a full character with lots of bits and pieces and accessories again.

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 23/02/06 - 8:44 AMPermalink

I can?t offer any advice about normal mapping sorry ? I haven?t been brave enough to attempt it yet?
I just wanted to say that you?ve got a pretty nice looking model there; I really like the style he?s got going on. Tight UV packing as well. Good luck with the competition.

I'd love to see this guy when he's fully textured.

Submitted by Makk on Thu, 23/02/06 - 9:49 AMPermalink

Is it the low poly that has the open edges? I was told that open edges on high poly were fine..hmm could someone clear that up?
If it is the high poly could apply a shell modifer to it.
lol, being a normal map newbie myself I cant offer much in the way of help :)

Submitted by codyalday on Thu, 23/02/06 - 9:58 AMPermalink

Looking good Limewire, good model with a nice flow to it, good luck with the comp. For normal maping, I can't even have a chance to start it as my versionn of Max can not do it, but I hope you figure it out.

Submitted by Delmo on Thu, 23/02/06 - 11:43 AMPermalink

When normal mapping u can really see how well you unwrapped your model things can't overlap beside mirrored objects, but remember the normals will be inverted on the mirrored side due to how max mirrors mesh. To correct this in max you can give the mirrored polys a different material ID and in the bump slot make it -100. If your normal maps are rendering parts that you dont want you can either edit the cage manually and make sure it doesn't extent further than needed or u can detach sections of the low and high and put the normal together in photoshop. I like the look of those UVs though little space wasted.

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 23/02/06 - 11:56 AMPermalink

open edges are on the low poly model as well as the high, but i can cap it easy enough, i think it's the low poly one that'sthe problem though as that's what creates the cage. I'mthinking of capping it and moving the new UVs off the baking it and deleting the cap, but that comes off as a pretty dodgy work-around rather than a correct solution.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 23/02/06 - 8:03 PMPermalink

thats one tight UV map and a really good looking model too, well done

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 02/03/06 - 2:13 AMPermalink

As just mentioned in Makk's thread, i've had to give up on this entry - been to strapped for time, and staying up until 1am or so wasn't working so well when it came to getting up for work the next day. I was also out all last weekend, leaving me with a lot to do and little time to do it.

Granted, I could still finsih it anyway, dispite the comp, but instead i'm going to start another model. I havnt been very happy with this one and i want to do something less complicated for a first normal mapping attempt. In retrospect i think that neither my workflow nor model were properly suited to normal mapping, so i want to start again and get it right on something simpiler before attempting a character with complicated UV mirroring and accessories of which i wasn't sure i could rather have normal mapped or not. I'm sure i could get my general finsihed eventualy, but i think taking my lessons and starting again is a better course of action and will probably see better results.

Submitted by Makk on Thu, 02/03/06 - 2:47 AMPermalink

Sorry to hear that man but its understandable, believe me.
I feel pretty much the same way about my model as you did yours.

Submitted by eightbitnasty on Fri, 03/03/06 - 3:51 PMPermalink

hey LiveWire hope it all goes well with some new work for you.. just keep in mind that normal maps can take some adjusting if rendering out from a high poly source. Just incoorporate some cleanup/tweaking time into your workflow. Don't be too against editing the map in photoshop if things don't quite line up or if fine detail is lost (learn which colours represent up/down/left/right..).

Rogue Player Arms

3D ARTY was on Off-limits a while ago , and skinned their rogue player model.


I had the task to texture the FPS player arms, based on his player skin.


just wondering what you guys think? :)

you can checkout the mod at

Submitted by LOOM on Thu, 23/02/06 - 12:59 AMPermalink

i know im not very good, but i'd still like some comments please.[:(]

Submitted by Makk on Thu, 23/02/06 - 1:54 AMPermalink

Hey man, dont let the lack of replies get to you. This can be a very quit messageboard at times :)
The arms actaully look good.I like the material definition going on.
They could do with a few different colours for the brown, say some red in the shadows and yellow/orange in the highlights. Speaking of which, if your not going to use a spec map for them you could paint some more lighting in there, at the moment they are a little bit flat.
Some loose hanging folds in there could help bring out a more realistic look. If you look at the in game shot, it doesnt quite have that natural look, its too flat and cylindar looking. Same with the fingers on the glove, they are a bit too straight.
As I said above, this actually some pretty good work, so keep at it.

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 23/02/06 - 8:42 AMPermalink

Yeah, it sucks when you don?t get many/any responses, but don?t worry, this forum seems to have been very quiet lately. I guess if people don?t respond to your work, you can assume it?s because your work is good and they can?t find anything to crit :D

I can?t see much to crit ? it?s a pretty good-looking texture. Is it all photo sourced?

Submitted by LOOM on Thu, 23/02/06 - 9:17 AMPermalink

thanks guys , apreciate it.

Makk - ill try and work on wrinkles and creases on a later date.
not very good at them...yet.

palantir - everything is hand painted.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 23/02/06 - 8:05 PMPermalink

thats really good man, especially for matching somebody elses full body skin

Submitted by 3DArty on Tue, 28/02/06 - 9:37 PMPermalink


Like Makk was saying do think your work is bad if you don't get any feed back. It looks good to me but as makk was saying there is a bit more you could do to it just to make it just that much more better. It just one of them things that you get to see up close in game so its good to add a bit more detail to it if its needed.

But well done, And send Simon a big KISS from me he likes that kind of thing. LOL

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 01/03/06 - 4:53 AMPermalink

yeah, this place has got twenty times the lurkers then it does those who stop to comment and were all really guilty of it ourselves too. dont take it too close to heart

Submitted by LOOM on Wed, 01/03/06 - 11:38 AMPermalink

i will do, 3darty. lol[:I]

thanks for the feedback guys.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Hey Guys,

Got up this morning and had a funny urge to model my favourite heroes in a half shell lol.

Only basic textures at the moment and baked light. Played around with some normal mapping but I'm still getting wires rendering over the top in max [:X]. Is there a button to disable this?

Will finish their textures on Sunday probs.

All comments welcome.


850 Tris per head


Submitted by Kratos on Sat, 11/02/06 - 8:51 AMPermalink

Nice work Lloyd .. only crit is area around eyes could be rounder.

Submitted by Lloyd on Sat, 11/02/06 - 10:05 AMPermalink

Thanks Kratos.

Will have a look at smoothing this out.

Submitted by ussmc on Sat, 11/02/06 - 9:12 PMPermalink

Cool. Are you going to model their bodies?

Submitted by Lloyd on Sat, 11/02/06 - 10:03 PMPermalink

actually, I don't think I am at this stage.

It was really just for a bit of fun. I actually just want to practice some hand painted texturing. Hopefully I can texture them sunday. I'm still looking for a job at the momement so I'm pumping out as much work as I can right now.


Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 11/02/06 - 11:09 PMPermalink

quote:It was really just for a bit of fun. I actually just want to practice some hand painted texturing. Hopefully I can texture them sunday. I'm still looking for a job at the momement so I'm pumping out as much work as I can right now.

Quality over quantity!

Submitted by Lloyd on Sun, 12/02/06 - 11:44 PMPermalink

I absolutely agree HazarD.

Sorry, I didn't actually mean these guys were part of the work I was doing for my folio.

I just meant I'm pumping out work to keep my skills up so I'm at least doing some form of 3d everyday.

....Quality always comes before quantity. This was just a little piece for fun.


Submitted by denz on Tue, 14/02/06 - 4:50 AMPermalink

haha, fukn spot on.

any chance of SDKing this sucker :)

Keep up the good work mate.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 15/02/06 - 9:32 PMPermalink

awesome, the only thing left to know is whose your faveourite :P mines donatello, gotta love a quaterstaff fighter

Submitted by Lloyd on Wed, 15/02/06 - 11:48 PMPermalink

Thanks Moonunit. My favourite is DON aswell. He was always the best to use in my old Ninja Turtles game on my Amiga 500 lol. Because of his staff, you could always reach the bad guys withought getting hit haha. Cheers.

1944: Operation Overlord WIP Thread

Hey Guys,

Over the next few months I'll be posting up WIP's here of some of the work we are doing for the good irish folk over there at

Frantic Games hired us to cleanup their existing meshes, UVW Maps, prep for normal mapping, Normal map & Texture a bunch of their soldiers.

First off heres one of the heads I cleaned up

Original: 1100 Tri exact.
Overhaul: 2000 Tri exact.

[img]… [/img]

And a new set of hands I built for the troopers.

New Hand Pair: 1100 Tri


Will keep adding things in WIP stages and final stages as they come along. Stay Tuned [:)]

Submitted by ninothe on Thu, 09/02/06 - 1:11 PMPermalink

Looking good and clean HazarD. Head looks really clean and detailed

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 09/02/06 - 10:36 PMPermalink

pheeeeeeeeew, boy are they ever getting their moneys worth. Looking good

Submitted by Lloyd on Fri, 10/02/06 - 2:33 AMPermalink

excellent mesh layout. Very Clean, well done.

Submitted by LOOM on Fri, 10/02/06 - 3:35 AMPermalink

good work mate.
Are those hands going to be used for the first person view?

i kinda lose a bit of respect for studios who get other studios to clean up all their models and wat not.
But hey, it gives you a job! hehe

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 10/02/06 - 5:16 AMPermalink

ninoth: Cheers [:)]

Moony: Thanks man [:D]

Lloyd: Cheers! I just finished playing Tales of Symphonia (GameCube) - Great game, main character is called Lloyd so hows that for a random fact of the day! [:P]

Loom: These hands will be used for normal view - A higher detailed set of hands for FPS view.
Ive made up a rig and animation, to testing the articulation - They deform a treat [:)]

Not sure why youd loose respect for a studio who outsources - perhaps they dont have artists in-house? or perhaps they hired another freelancer to complete the job, but they were unsatisfied with the result. Happens all the time!

A note - The head up there is goign to be the base model for all the high poly variants which I'll create for normal mapping in Zbrush.

Update again soon.

Submitted by Makk on Sat, 18/02/06 - 4:33 AMPermalink

Hey Troy nice work :)
Any updates on the head? Just wondering how it will turn out. If you could tell us what brushes/method you use to detial would be helpfull, Im currently trying to do my own in zbrush and Im looking for any tips (especially in regards to generating realsitic looking wrinkles).

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 18/02/06 - 7:39 AMPermalink

Hey Mark, Cheers!

No updates just yet - tweaking the head a bit more and client has UPPED the budget on the hands so I'll be pushing some more detail in there, will post some updates soon.

Still a little while away from the high poly stuff just yet - but will get those up as things get approved and locked off etc.

The Scare

Ahoy, i thought it would be a good "icebreaker" to start off me being a newby to the forums.[:I]

**i gave him a little meshsmooth for the render[B)]**

This was my 1ST complete player texture , and ive quite enjoyed texturing these kinds of models - beats the old CS custom weapons.

It took me a little while to complete, but im pretty happy with the outcome.
Any crits would be great , as im working on another player texture as we speak.

this character is for a mod im freelancing for :

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 04/02/06 - 11:14 PMPermalink

nasty little creature, he could sure give you a fright if he came loping towards you in atmospheric conditions. good work! if i had any crit it would be allthough hes supposed to be pale skinned i might like just a little more contrast in the flesh itself (not the cuts and blood, just the skin itself). Allthough that might ruin the effect.. not sure

low poly grubber

low poly fun, based on a concept by funcom for the sequel to the longest journey, dreamfall. I probably spent a total of 3 days on it, mostly on the texture. crits welcome :)


Submitted by Kratos on Sat, 04/02/06 - 7:00 AMPermalink

Very nice. Will you be rigging him up ?

Submitted by eightbitnasty on Sat, 04/02/06 - 7:46 AMPermalink

Nah not for now, I threw in a really quick rig and he did ok so I'll just move on to a new model.

Submitted by Kratos on Sat, 04/02/06 - 7:52 AMPermalink

Will you be normal mapping your next model ?

Submitted by eightbitnasty on Sat, 04/02/06 - 8:52 AMPermalink

Yeah I think so :) My last next gen model was interrupted when my machine went down. I'll either pick that up again or start something fresh.

Submitted by ussmc on Tue, 07/02/06 - 12:55 AMPermalink

Nice textures....Do you know any sites for texturing?

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 07/02/06 - 3:28 AMPermalink

Nice work, like the model...
haha! I noticed you jioned CgChat for the Dominance War.....Bad move buddy!! Polycount is going soO going to kick your asses! :) (I plan on entering for Polycount myself)...BEH-RIIIING IT!!!

Submitted by eightbitnasty on Tue, 07/02/06 - 3:44 AMPermalink

ok Makk. This time it's not just CG vs PC. You're goin down buddy, and on your HOME TURF. YOU KNOW IT.

ussmc, what sort of thing do you want to know about? For this one I made a little palette of 6 or so skin colours, placed them down, added top down lighting while defining muscles etc and then overlayed/multiplied the lumpy and splodgy bits over the top. I painted true res to maintain the sharpness I painted in with small hard brushes.

Submitted by Kratos on Tue, 07/02/06 - 6:29 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by ussmc

Nice textures....Do you know any sites for texturing?

You should look in the 2d tutorial thread in artist discussion section. Cgtalk also has a bundle of tutorials on their forums here

Submitted by ussmc on Wed, 08/02/06 - 12:06 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by eightbitnasty

ok Makk. This time it's not just CG vs PC. You're goin down buddy, and on your HOME TURF. YOU KNOW IT.

ussmc, what sort of thing do you want to know about? For this one I made a little palette of 6 or so skin colours, placed them down, added top down lighting while defining muscles etc and then overlayed/multiplied the lumpy and splodgy bits over the top. I painted true res to maintain the sharpness I painted in with small hard brushes.

I'm crap with texturing. I wanted to know how you did those lumpy and splodgy bits. Thanks for the info.

Submitted by eightbitnasty on Wed, 08/02/06 - 12:53 AMPermalink

no probs.. do you have wacom? Some people are really great with a mouse but I find that tablets are really important for texturing.

For the lumpy bits (let's just say they are warts) I think I used two techniques. First one is to just pick a slightly lighter colour than the skin you want to place the wart onto, and in a new layer for your warts, just put down a few pixels of that lighter colour. This is the protruding bit that catches light from above. Then, pick a darker colour and paint it directly below, this give the impression that those pixels are in shadow, and below the light protruding part.

The other way is to create a new layer, lay down lots of light dots (using a hard brush with a large scatter), duplicate that layer, make it darker than the skin tone underneath, and move it slightly away from the light source. Has the same effect as the first method, but there is less variation as the dark parts are all duplicated so doesn't look as nice. Doing it this way is faster but I'd still go back and lightly smudge / erase some of the warts in both layers to add variation. Both layers can be set to overlay for ok results.

For the darker splodgy bits of skin, I picked a dark colour, and used a medium opacity brush to paint in the sort of patterning I wanted. In this case I feathered it out from a collection of large connected spots to smaller isolated ones, so it blended with the lighter skin tones (see shoulders -> pecs). Then this layer was set to multiply, and the layer opacity was adjusted to allow more of the shading and colour come from below. On top of this I put a slight noise layer to break things up a bit. Here's a little section near the top of the bicep.


Hope that helps! Like I said the texture took way longer than the model and unwrap. It takes a while doing it this way rather than using photo overlays but with a wacom it's not too slow, and the results are more controlled.

Submitted by denz on Wed, 08/02/06 - 1:09 AMPermalink

heh, pretty sweet. reminds me of LoTR

Submitted by ussmc on Wed, 08/02/06 - 1:14 AMPermalink

That's a lot of typing you did. Thank you so much, this will help me a lot. I don't have a wacom but i'm considering buying one.

thanks again.

Normal mapped thing-a-majig

What the title says. I wanted to get to grips with normal mapping and also try out some techniques for making the high poly more managable.

920 tri's and a 256 texture for difuse and normals.




I'll post some pics of the high poly later if any body wants to see them.

Submitted by urgrund on Wed, 08/02/06 - 2:36 AMPermalink

yeh sure, post the highs... always good to see how others 'compose' the high poly.

for example, I will often make sepereate pieces and bake them out. I find it helps clear alot of the glitches when there's a lot of concave areas on a model

Head model (wip)

Here is a shot of what im working on at the moment.
crits are welcome.

Submitted by Lloyd on Thu, 02/02/06 - 10:28 AMPermalink

Hi ninothe,

Models looking good. I have one question which you may be able to answer for me as I don't really deal with high poly.

Should there be such a condense cluster of edge loops around the eyes? I mean, unless its for the actual shape of the model i guess it's fine. However, when you go to animate, wouldn't the mouth generally move much more, and if so, should you possibly put more edge loops there instead?


Submitted by Kratos on Fri, 03/02/06 - 9:09 AMPermalink

Nice head. Only crit is the spacing of your polygons. Their not spread out evenly across the face .. and probably a bit to many polygons on the forehead .. as when its smoothed that amount doesn't really show the deformation your after. You need to lower the polygon count in that area.

Example of polygon spacing .. from high resolution to low resolution areas.



Submitted by ninothe on Fri, 03/02/06 - 11:43 AMPermalink

Thanks Kratos. The spacing of the polygons are based off some of the heads I've studied. I want to give this head a lot of expressions and from the example you've shown me, I wont be able to do something like a worried pose or an angry pose.
Here is a quick example of what I mean. It's a shocked/worried I think...


SpaceShip design: Valintine

NO idea wether to put this thing in ether Design or Exhibition.

Done in Flash it's a bunch of concept art bundled together into a top view blue print of the main spaceship of the game concept I?m creating for my design folio. It?s also got some back-story to give the ship and the world it's representing some depth.

It's not industry level concept art. But I believe that it'll help in my folio overall. Anyways have fun looking and reading and tell me what you think about it? ^^

caroo ? The before 20 project

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 31/01/06 - 5:17 AMPermalink

Excellent! the ground work is all done, but I think the presentation could benefit from more room, dont have text over the top of drawings etc - makes some parts hard to read and gives the whole thing a really cluttered feeling - give the document some more whitespace! dont fear the whitespace!

Use this format to show off all the pieces in your folio and your ideas should be really simple to follow. A KEY ingredient to any good game designers work.

Good Stuff!

Submitted by Caroo on Tue, 31/01/06 - 6:21 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by HazarD

Excellent! the ground work is all done, but I think the presentation could benefit from more room, dont have text over the top of drawings etc - makes some parts hard to read and gives the whole thing a really cluttered feeling - give the document some more whitespace! dont fear the whitespace!

Use this format to show off all the pieces in your folio and your ideas should be really simple to follow. A KEY ingredient to any good game designers work.

Good Stuff!

Thanks tons mate for the compliments and pointers. the size is already at a large 1000x1000 pixels. i made it this way to not give to much greaf to those running on 800X1200 and lower.

i found it quite a pain to get everything in. it does suffer form clogging. that'll be refined in future flash concepts.

thanks mate.

Spawn Splash Page

Hey Guys,

This will be my first post in the Exhibition area. Hope to have many more in the future!

Modeled in Max 7, Texture in PS CS2.
----2552 Tris (Spawn and Weapon)----

All comments and crits welcome.




Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 28/01/06 - 5:27 AMPermalink

looks like youve captured him pretty well, i love todd mcfarlanes characters.

Submitted by Lloyd on Sun, 29/01/06 - 12:51 AMPermalink

Hey MoonUnit,

Thanks for the comment.


Submitted by ninothe on Wed, 01/02/06 - 5:55 AMPermalink

I dont know much about Spawn, but this looks really nice. Well done.

Submitted by Lloyd on Wed, 01/02/06 - 11:19 AMPermalink

Thanks for the comment ninothe.

Submitted by J I Styles on Wed, 01/02/06 - 6:39 PMPermalink

A few crits for you:

Fairly well made, only big crit I'd give is his base T pose is too stiff and doesn't give much in the way of character or personality at the base level; his spine is quite straight and doesn't seem to be holding his own weight -- general good rule of thumb is to give your character an "average" feel to him in regards of how he holds his weight, and his pose, in regard to what he'll be doing the majority of time when he's rigged and animated. This way you avoid extreme distortion in texture and mesh later since he has enough slack in the uv's and mesh for deformation. It also means he'll look good for presentation shots like this without having to rig and pose him just to show him off how you intend him to be.


I'd say too much reliance on overlays, not enough hand painting in the texture; especially in the cape, you've got a perfect referance from the toys of how the cape is curled and folds, so I'd suggest studying it. Also, the cape could really do with some alpha love to make it a bit more tattered like the source material.

Submitted by Lloyd on Thu, 02/02/06 - 10:20 AMPermalink

Hey Styles,

Thanks for the great feedback. I can definitely see what your getting at. Before I rig him, hell get some nice alpha to his cape also.


Submitted by denz on Wed, 08/02/06 - 1:12 AMPermalink

Nice goin Lloyd boys. :)

Much cooler in pose.

Lion witch Wardrobe concept art

Hi there,
Although not game related I thought I'd drop in and show a concept frame i did for
the film "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". Some may have seen my post on CGtalk and
Produced almost 2 years ago now...My interpretation of the original story was somewhat darker than the final film.
If interested u can see more at my site
click on Production Artwork



[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]hall_v2_witch.jpg[/url]
106.29 KB

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 28/01/06 - 12:53 AMPermalink

much darker, i actually prefer it this way. well done

Submitted by bumskee on Wed, 01/02/06 - 7:29 PMPermalink

nice, love the heavy feel, the cold atmosphere, only crit would be the length of her arm, a little short. Her skirt is wonderful.

Archer Character Model

Been doing this Archer Model every now and then after work. Still a lot of work to be done to it. Going for a samuari / ninja style archer. I ripped the boots of the other character that I done and slapped them on this character for the time been as I am unsure of what to do with them.
Around 4000 tris at the moment including all the items and equipment and aiming for around 4500. Hopefully create normal/bump/spec maps for this. Comments and crits are appriciated.



Edit: (Updated Picture)

Submitted by LiveWire on Fri, 27/01/06 - 9:23 PMPermalink

looks really nice, but the lgiht grey shadidng agains the dul background makes it really hard to see detail. could you post it again against a clearer background, and possibly with wireframe

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 03/02/06 - 4:16 AMPermalink

pretty impressive cody, i really dont have anything to crit here

Golden Sunset (architecture fantasy concept)

Well, i did this at home in my free time to make something diferent, made with Painter, i don't know how many hours did i put on it since was at night afterwork for afew days. Just trying to practice a few new things that i've learned with friends and tutorials, hope you'll like it.


And the high res link:

Submitted by J I Styles on Mon, 23/01/06 - 9:22 PMPermalink

I like it [:)] You've got a nice thin atmosphere feeling in there (far roof has that atmostpheric wash on it, and you have the cooler temp receeding shadows), which is looking really nice, but it needs reflective properties! Most all material types have some level of glossy fresnel reflection (The angles facing the furthest away from the 'camera' should be the most visibly reflective).

Other than that, a bit more work on the clouds outside to suggest where the light source is coming from would've also helped.

Submitted by Rizo on Tue, 24/01/06 - 3:42 PMPermalink

Thanks for your comments, i thought about the reflections at some point of the process but at the end i just felt like it was finished.. :S Probably i'll add a couple of things (like reflextions) before uploading it to my portafolio. Also i got a little too lazy with the clouds, they were one of the first things that i did and after that i got focus on something else... thanks a lot for the comments! :D

Environment: western scene wip

Hey all,

Heres a western scene i'm working on.

ref pic


max pic

Any comments would be appreciated.


Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 22/01/06 - 10:22 AMPermalink

looking neat, how close are you looking to get to your reference picture? Is it like a challenge to replicate or is it just infact a reference

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 23/01/06 - 8:42 PMPermalink

what kind of polycount are you going for? Becuase you could probably add quite a bit more for even current-gen spec. Your proportions look more exaggerated compared to the picture too

Submitted by Lloyd on Sun, 12/02/06 - 11:47 PMPermalink

Hey Kratos.

Nice work so far. Next render I would consider dropping the bump on the gorund texture a little (unless this is the look your going for of course) .

Good stuff.

Submitted by Kratos on Mon, 13/02/06 - 7:37 AMPermalink

Cool :) thanks for the feedback !

Submitted by J I Styles on Mon, 13/02/06 - 7:27 PMPermalink

get some secondary light in there! Western and flash photography don't go too well with each other [;)]

It's obviously a rendered scene, and you're going for game environmental range of specs, but consider using mental ray and doing some gi/ambient occlusion... if nothing else because most static geometry has baked radiosity solutions for level developers, so don't think you're cheating with it [:D]

Mercedes SLK 320 WIP

Hello everyone, I've been modeling a Mercedes SLK 320 to challange my mechanical modeling skills. I thought I would model a car since its something that I have never tryed modeling. Anyway here is where I'm at so far about 22 hours progress.


Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 22/01/06 - 1:21 AMPermalink

very nice as usual. out of interest, how are you doing the tire tread? I'm thinking of a few ways looking at it, so i'd like to know what you came up with.

Submitted by Delmo on Sun, 22/01/06 - 1:44 AMPermalink

LiveWire: I made a small section of the tread then i copied it 50 times attached all the mesh and welded. Then I used the bend modifier and angled it 360 degrees and theres your tread.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 22/01/06 - 2:15 AMPermalink

yeah, that's what i thought would be the best way.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 03/02/06 - 10:08 PMPermalink

looks fantastic man, youre mechanical modelling skills look top notch to me

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 07/02/06 - 3:23 AMPermalink

very nice Delmo.
What renderer are you using?

Submitted by Delmo on Tue, 07/02/06 - 5:34 AMPermalink

Cheers Makk, I'm using the mental ray renderer.

Weapon Models

Some weapon models that I have done for a Quake 4 mod. A lot of work need to be done before they can be textured. Any comments and crits are appriciated.


Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 16/01/06 - 6:42 AMPermalink

All i can say is theyre looking really good. Weapon modellings allways been an interesting thing for me to observe because a weapon being a prop you would presume to be easier then say a character. Consequently theres a lot of variation in the quality of weapon models but from what i can see yours look pretty good! (though im no gun nut to check for real life comparisons)

Submitted by palantir on Mon, 16/01/06 - 9:17 AMPermalink

Looking good Cody. I can?t see anything to crit.
What kind of poly count are these?

Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 16/01/06 - 9:30 AMPermalink

Some more quality work!

Like moony I'm no gun nut either but that severely sawn-off shot-guns handle looks a few inches too thick!

Onto the textures!

Submitted by codyalday on Mon, 16/01/06 - 10:10 AMPermalink

Thankaz for the nice comments All. Most of the weapons are not exactly as in real life, as the reference pictures I used weren't the best, so I had to improvise a bit. They are around 1600 - 1800 tris.

Holiday head

that titles actually sounding a lot weirder to me now that ive written it... [:X]

anyway its my post school pre uni holidays (dont know the course yet, no doubt youll here about it when i do on the 16th) and ive decided to get my arse in gear and make a average human head. Im planning for a something mid poly allthough ive set no actual numerical limit, essentially decent in game quality. At the moment im just trying to build the basic bald human male head and so far havent actualy put anything in the image planes but been referencing the odd photo and mirror and the like. So without further ado:


im quite proud of it for a days work off and on considering how long its been but i do know its got a long way to go. Ive also never built a stock standard head before (theyve all been monsterous and deformed or cartoony or some such) and im doing my best to pretend to know what im doing. Which is why any crit would come in handy (feel free to upload your own copy of my images with scriblings on it), thanks a lot guys and ill keep you updated with progress.

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 10/01/06 - 1:17 PMPermalink

Hey Moony, good to see you back on the 3d wagon (now if I could just do the same).

This is coming along well, I wont crit the mesh work as there are far more experienced sumeans who could do that.

There are a few proportion issues that could be tweaked-
Basicly in profile view, the head equals three and a half the times the height of the forehead, so in profile the size of the head can equal an exact square-

Using this grid on your mesh we can see a few things that you could tweak-
nose could be pulled out more in profile
forehead too short
move eyes up tad.
lips lowered or chin brought up
neck/jaw area lowered abit so his chin isnt as pronounced

For the front view, its slightly different. divide up a grid as 3.5 units high and 2.5 units wide-

We can see a couple of things that you might want to tweak-
eyes could be a bit wider (also check the shape of them, the highest point of the eye should be towards the outside, where as yours look a little to far inside. ugh! cant explain well, just check some ref!)
..and well, you can have a go and work out the rest yourself!! :)
Heres is a pic to help out-

And to show you them how they both all line up together-

phew! if you have managed to read all of this thanks, I hope you get as much out of it as I did. Also, I apoligise if Im wrong! Im still learning all this stuff.....and its really late and Im tired!! :P

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 11/01/06 - 2:03 AMPermalink

Thanks a heap for that makk, thats helped a lot. Unfortunatly my print screen buttons... gone weird on me and all ive managed to get is this side shot for the minute :S


as you can see though your pictures have helped imporve the proportions alot (speaking of which i was wondering if i could get a copy of the silouhette one without my guys mug in it). On the mesh side of things ive edited a tad and everytime i post an image i can allready see things that need changing so rest assured thats coming together slowly but surely aswell allthough your crits are allways welcome.

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 24/01/06 - 4:59 AMPermalink


Heya Moony, as promised, here's a quick paint over -- don't take it as gospel since it's totally from my head. Red is a "classicism" proportioned head, and blue is what's called the effect marks... so basically, red is the stereotyped proportional relations between features, most notably different is the eyes sink in, the browline is formed, and the male head is more biased in the temple... then there's a few other more minor feature landmarks etc. The blue is a bit more hard to explain. The effect marks are the mid points where the myological layer (muscles and skeleton) interacts. It's not the skull line, but the connection between muscle and skull and how they interact. There's a lot more to it than what I've drawn, but these are the main points, and it's open to interpretation depending on your character (eg, more pronounced with age). So, the blue you don't necessarily see depending your character, but it affects the surface topology.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 24/01/06 - 6:55 AMPermalink

thanks makk, and thanks for helping out styles :) Your paint over is helping me see the niggly things i knew were there that were keeping my head from looking like a more realistic one (lips and eyes definetly looked wrong). Ill have to update him soon as i just finished a short project (posted in the speed3d thread) so now i can spare some time. Wouldnt have a link to a overview of some theory on muscles and the myological layer would you? sounds like something worth understanding properly.

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 24/01/06 - 9:26 PMPermalink

OK! I'm going to leave this window open for a while and just rant [;)] ready? GO!

Unfortunately there's only a trickle of truly useful resources on the net compared to other places - most all traditional study sources are housed away in books and crammed inside teachers heads in places like Art Schools and Ateliers - sooooo, I'd recommend grabbing a few $10-30 books from your local Dimmocks or A&R. There's usually a heap of cheaper drawing ones which go over basic anatomy and structure, and then "anatomy for artists" type ones which just show pictorially the forms (it's then up to you to study that and make note of them - I found these the most use... just sit down for a day and copy each and every drawing out on paper; you learn quick! [:)]).

In terms of what you 'need' to know, and a direction to head in, try and concentrate on your primary forms and then start to recognise secondary ones. Everybody knows the primary forms of the face (eyes, mouth, nose, ears), but actually knowing how and where they sit in relation to each other takes time to get used to mapping out. Secondary forms are different - not many people consciously recognise them, or even acknowledge them, but they certainly know when they're wrong or missing. Secondary forms are things like the muzzle shape (how the lip forms lines through to the nose), the V indent of the forehead connecting to the browline, and the upside U shape of the muscles seperating the lower lip and chin. At this point, I may as well say it - knowing names of muscles is useless compared to knowing where they're attached to. I'm trying to communicate certain muscle groups, but it's much easier to just describe a "V of the forehead" than say the frontalis terminating to the orbicularis oculi. Most people would just smile and start backing away slowly[:D]

So, in terms of the head... it's the most recognisable thing you're ever going to try and communicate, so it's difficult to say the least to effectively portray something realistic. Getting the primary elements spot on is absolutely essential, but it's not until you've got a good grip on secondary forms is it going to start to all come togethor successfully and be "right". This means that it's a bit frustrating because it takes a while to get to that point until suddenly it starts all coming togethor, so on closing I'll say keep at it - even if you don't feel like you're making much progress at times, keep going and it will all start to make sense and eventually become second nature.

good luck! And please excuse the ranty-ness of this post, it was pretty much a brain dump of my thoughts on the subject and what I think could help you out [:)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 26/01/06 - 10:59 AMPermalink

hey im allways thankfull for a brain dump. Its a pity every time i cruze by here i dont actually have time to work on the thing >.< but thanks again for your help man, thisll steer me in the right direction

EDIT: well ive had a chance to play around a little, heres what he looks like now:


im really starting to like how he looks in the side view, the front is yet to really seem acurate though... any helps apreciated! also his ears are staying the sorta flat things they are for the moment. I had a shot at detailing the ear in 3d and that ended up rather messy. I did say i wanted this guy to be middle ground ingame quality so i dont think extensive ear detail is necesary...

Female Bust - Lena

My first WIP on my latest project: Lena
Its a VERY early WIP (1 night into the project so far)
Modelled in Maya so far, then I'll take it into Mudbox.
Thats where the fun will start =)
all crits n comments are welcome,

I've been focusing more on proprtions at this points
and I know the eye's etc need a lot of work =)

- 3DnuTTa

Submitted by Kezza on Mon, 09/01/06 - 12:41 AMPermalink

very nice!
are you planning on making a lowpoly version and using this version to generate normal maps? Or will it just be high poly?

Submitted by 3dnutta on Mon, 09/01/06 - 1:21 AMPermalink

Im in the process of taking it into a sculpting program and making it a lot more high poly.
Not planning on going low poly with it.


Submitted by codyalday on Mon, 09/01/06 - 2:09 PMPermalink

Looking nice 3DNutta, keep up the good work. There is something bugging me though, it looks fairly muscline, and I think it is the neck, traps area, not really sure though.

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 10/01/06 - 1:08 AMPermalink

From side on she looks like should have a really wide shaped cranium. Like the highest point of the skull is too far forward. Did you model her in this position? Got any profile shots?

Submitted by 3dnutta on Tue, 10/01/06 - 8:00 AMPermalink

Hey Makk,
Yeah I modelled her in this position, I'll have a look into the shape of her crqanium.
I've got photo ref for this so I can check =) cheers!

Still got lots of work to go on this, I'm only 2 hours into the xculpting process.
The girl who did the pose for me is on the athletic side and she does look like that. ;)

thankx guys.. more to come

Submitted by souri on Thu, 12/01/06 - 11:30 PMPermalink

Wow. Love the assorted bumps on the face and the refinements on the ear. It's looking great!

Submitted by 3dnutta on Fri, 13/01/06 - 2:34 AMPermalink

hey souri thanx for the comment I've got more to go,
I don't think Im quite to the half way mark yet =D

Submitted by adie on Fri, 20/01/06 - 4:42 AMPermalink

nice !!just one question though ??what is mud box and were can i get it ??

Submitted by 3dnutta on Sat, 21/01/06 - 1:22 AMPermalink

Mudbox is a sculpting program, kinda like z-brush but so much better!
Its not out yet, so you'll have to wait. =)

Submitted by 3dnutta on Fri, 17/03/06 - 2:33 PMPermalink

Finally got some more work on this done..
I've done a lot more around the neck, will show another view soon showing this.
Fixed the ear up (still needs some more)
Been doing some more finer details and imperfections.
The shirt is just a start, needs lots more work...

all crits n comments welcome!


Quick contract Orc, with progressions (BIG D/L)

Here's an Orc that was contracted for an MMOG I did on and off over the span of 5 days last week (had 3 other contracts at the same time, so it was very much on and off and off and off... [:D])

As far as I know the title is still unnanounced, but I got NDA release and permission to show it off however I like - this is an extremely rare occurance (I've got work held up in nda limbo after 2 years and still counting), so I figure I'd take advantage of it and show the progression - maybe it's worth something to someone out there [B)]

Since the images are pretty big and would rip up the forums formatting (and a MB of images sitting in one page isn't good either!), I'm linking to them instead - here's the finalised asset:


and the links:

[url=""]Asset Progress 1[/url]
[url=""]Asset Progress 2[/url]
[url=""]Asset Progress 3[/url]
[url=""]Asset Progress 4[/url]
[url=""]Asset Progress 5[/url]
[url=""]Texture Progression[/url]
[url=""]Texture Final[/url]

[xx(] that was a lot of typing, hope it's of some use to someone!

Submitted by Kratos on Fri, 06/01/06 - 6:10 AMPermalink

wow .. thats a really good model . It would be good if the side of the head and ears had more detail to them .. just a suggestion.

Submitted by codyalday on Fri, 06/01/06 - 1:44 PMPermalink

Awesome work man. All your work is beautifull, keep it up. Wondering what the tri count is on this?

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 06/01/06 - 6:49 PMPermalink

final tri count was 2600 which includes his variation detachables.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 07/01/06 - 5:46 AMPermalink

Its great to see some work from you again, looks great as usual :P Was the pale green for the skin hue your decision or something you had to do to keep him in theme with the games other existing assets? Im not saying i dislike rather im wondering with all the variations on the term orc amongst fantasy lore where the decision was made.

Submitted by J I Styles on Sun, 08/01/06 - 9:50 PMPermalink

whole design was pretty much cliche's but a different take on style - so the green specifically is a part of the cliche recognisable design elements, then the high saturation was more to fit in with the brighter world and lighter mood.

So in the end, a mix between direction of style and fitting in with the traditional this-is-what-an-orc-looks-like crowd.

edit: personally, I think he'd do a bit better as a goblin king (minus David Bowie spandex and huge hair from Labyrinth). [;)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 09/01/06 - 10:32 PMPermalink

heh thought it might be something like that. spandex never fails to make me shiver :S

Submitted by palantir on Mon, 09/01/06 - 11:33 PMPermalink

Those links are awesome man. I found it insightful seeing how the texture progresses and understanding the workflow. Kudos!

I?m always amazed at the quality that pros can create in a matter of days.

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 10/01/06 - 1:00 AMPermalink

Nice work Styles :)
REally like the metal work. Any tips for doing that? I like all the little colour varition going on.

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 10/01/06 - 6:11 AMPermalink

not really a tip for the metal, but a general chunk of info - just take into consideration that the majority of what you're seeing is the environment it's reflecting... this doesn't work for games at this spec (flat diffuse). So faking it comes in by assuming a vanilla world (eg, top down light, blue sky, green/brown earth, brighter horizon line), and a glossy surface where it's blurred enough that any details aren't visible, it's just a suggestion of it all. If it's a worn material, pick out your detail in the perturbed surface to the point where it's perceptually the more "interesting" thing, and the eye never catches on to your cheating ways :)

The above goes for most surfaces, but is relevant most for glossy reflective surface types.