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Suggestions on how teams can work together online

Hi folks, so I'm currently writing up the rules and guides for the upcoming tsumea challenge, and I'm looking at the options available for teams working online together on Unity projects (the game engine of our choice for the tsumea challenge). The cheapest (free) and common way seems to be the use of Dropbox to share and synchronise Unity projects, but can anyone who has actual experience with Unity and Dropbox with an online team give me a list of pros and cons of having gone through with that? What issues did you run into, and are there better alternatives?

I'm curious about how Dropbox and Unity handles with synchronisation, particularly with multiple people opening and building the same project at the same time.

We may be able to avoid this particular issue, however, since the tsumea challenge is limiting each challenge entry to one programmer, one artist/animator, one sound person, and one game designer (so 4 team members maximum), and the sole programmer could just handle the building of the Unity project themselves and upload the exported webplayer file to their challenge entry page on tsumea for the rest of the team to see how the game is progressing. The rest of their team can update/share their particular assets to the programmer via dropbox to the programmer. This may be desirable for programmers who don't want their source code shared out in the open, particularly since we're encouraging teams to work with new people.

Submitted by RedefDev on Tue, 17/06/14 - 1:30 PM Permalink

Dropbox for a single user or a bunch of users sharing asset files and documents with each other is great. But sharing a Unity Project is hell!

Late last year we abandoned using Dropbox all together for our Unity Projects. It just doesn't play well with multiple users who want to work on a project. We encountered syncing issues with our assets as well as old assets regenerating themselves because of how the Unity cache likes to work.

You also can't use the project at the same time that someone else is, lets just say things will explode if you do.

Dropbox will also continuously sync changes if you don't turn it off, so if your working with big textures and the artist tweaks it a lot, you'll be syncing that large texture a lot.

When the project changes hands, it's likely that the next user will have to rebuild a number of assets each time, which also then need to be resynced. On small projects this is tolerable, but on large ones, it's painful!

It requires too much maintenance, and sometimes you won't realise something has broken until someone starts complaining that that thing you said you did, isn't in there.

So to cut a long story short, don't use Unity with DropBox unless your the only one using it.

We ended up moving BitBucket with TortoiseHg, which are both free to use. The advantage is that you can set up TortoiseHg to filter out some critical files which you don't want to share, this will allow each person opening the project to generate these files on their own computer, avoiding any cache related issues.

You can also work on the project at the same time as someone else because it's basically version control. Each user submits their change and everyone else just has to sync that change.

The potential for things blowing up in your face is still there, but you can at least tell when it happened with submissions and deal with it. It is version control system after all, so you can roll back if you need to.

BitBucket also lets you create Team based collaborative projects which is kind of nice.

Below is a link to the tutorial we followed to set it up. Tricky at first, but better in the long run.…

The critical part of that set up is the .hgignore file. That file ensures that it filters out cache related files and folders from being submitted, where most of the problems seem to be.


If people still want to use DropBox, I recommend it be used for just sharing assets and documentation, while one developer handles the Unity Project. If you do use it to share the project, back up regularly.

It also must be said that there have been a number of new Unity versions since then, so some issues mentioned above may have been fixed. But BitBucket is still a better solution to allow multiple developers to work on a project at the same time.

Hope this helps!

Submitted by souri on Tue, 17/06/14 - 3:31 PM Permalink

Well, those sync issues were definitely what I was fearing! Thanks for the thorough insight as well as the alternative suggestion - I'm gonna have to look into BitBucket and TortoiseHg but that combo looks perfectly suited for the small teams required by our challenges. We might be able to avoid teams needing to share/synchronise projects between themselves since there's only one programmer in the teams and they can upload builds to the site for the rest to see, so a Dropbox solution to share assets might still be the way to go, but if not, this seems perfect. Plus you've written a great tutorial on setting it all up too!

My first proper toon

It's been a while since I've posted here, but I just finished making my very first toon without any reference art and I'm proud :) So I thought I'd share.

I'm not exactly an artist and this thing took me like 5 hours because I don't have the most confident stroke.. and I still know there's a few flaws that I'd love to fix.. but I'll pay attention to those details on the next one I draw :) What'd you think?


Submitted by davidcoen on Mon, 20/08/07 - 3:39 PM Permalink

heheh, my what big eyes you have.

yery nice, (i'm probably not qualified to crit and comment), you look to be getting use to comunicating form with line thickness, and lot of strength of composition is from the pallet contrast.

i get a bit wierd in gender classification by jaw lines, (smoothness, width) though with a bit more baby fat profile gets a bit smoother anyrate. don't know if it a convention of the medium that for even thin characters i expect the facial profiles (the edges) to be quite simplified (or is that another figment of the beauty myth to remove detail, like newscast lighting to attemt to remove shadows...)

great work

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/08/07 - 4:26 PM Permalink

She's got some interesting streaks in her hair Nice picture, you should use it in your avatar.

Submitted by Angel on Fri, 24/08/07 - 11:02 AM Permalink

Haha, thanks for the replies :) I don't know much about drawing techniques... was just kinda sketching. Thanks for the tips though, I'll remember them in my next drawing. I've a long way to go to master linework.

Souri - she was originally a brunette, but it seemed to cold. my hair is currently red with blonde streaks, so that's where the idea came from - and fortunately my hairdresser did a better job with my hair than I've done with the toons. Thanks for the comment :)

Submitted by souri on Fri, 24/08/07 - 12:48 PM Permalink

I got streaks, but I didn't get them from a hairdresser. My sister had some left over globs of whatever and used it on me. The less I say about the results, the better.

Did you use a graphics tablet for that picture?

Edge Of Twilight Game Art

Edge Of Twilight Game Art

Right now theres a folder sitting on my desk with hundereds of concepts from this game, i'l get some of the other people in the art team to show some work too, but for now I can only show a little bit.

These are all done in Photoshop cs. These are all from about 6 months ago,


Submitted by souri on Wed, 15/08/07 - 9:20 AM Permalink

I've been following all your postings on Sumea since you first began, as I'm sure everyone here has, and yeh, this stuff is easily your best yet (that we've seen)! Some great looking imagery you got here. Perspective could be a bit tighter in some spots, but overall, love it!

Submitted by davidcoen on Fri, 17/08/07 - 9:54 AM Permalink

that would be quite cool if the ingame visual style matched this, textured bloom and simplified shading models on detailed meshes, i guess there is no reason why pixel shades couldn't do a unsharpen or pallet reduce pass..

some very nice spaces and good use of light (perhaps with so few posts i'm having difficulty seeing the development of a materials 'language'/ architectureal form...)

Submitted by robomaniac on Sat, 18/08/07 - 10:57 PM Permalink

fantastic art i see here... more, please upload more here

Submitted by davidcoen on Wed, 22/08/07 - 6:22 PM Permalink

wow, if that is what your imagination can come up with, i would hate to see your nightmares.

impressive how a little form/ texture and lighting can create such an overall sence of presense (a realistic mummyfied alien)

looks great

Dawn - Pokemon trainer

This was a fun little project I took up while waiting for Pokemon Diamond and pearl to be released in Australia (June 21st but i got it earlier from a website) This is the female trainer from the game.

To start with i wanted to use a shader that renders the images like there inked and cell shaded but after doing a test render with the skylight i thought it gave it such a nice clean look that i kept it.

I think the face looks stupid :( but its so hard to model it in 3d and i didn't want to do any texturing work.

Enjoy !

And then the single renders of all poses

SF Character Portrait

Something to fill in the time whilst waiting the the next quick activity. Done in Painter with a very small amount of Photoshop and Illustrator along the way.

Thanks for the feedback Brain. The above image is the updated pic, the link below is to the previous version for interested persons. I think I might do some modifications to her top to make to look less painted on and more see through ...hehe, just kidding ...about the 'less painted on' bit ...or am I?

version 1 JohnN2007-04-12 07:42:14

Submitted by Brain on Thu, 12/04/07 - 3:08 PM Permalink

I really like the detail of the face, though the head seems rather large in comparison to the body. And DANG! They be some perky breasts! @:-D Might want to review their shape, as well as how the shirt hangs. It's very loose around the neck region, but skin tight around the breasts. Not even any loose hanging on the underside of the breasts (perhaps she's showing them off to a guy off screen, hence the cheeky smile and eyes? @;-)

The face definitely seems to have received the most attention, and I think the rest of her could benefit from a rework of lighting, in particular some darker shadows. The centre console (with all the nifty looking buttons and lights) seems to be a little off perspective, and seems to 'stick out' a little more than it might need to.

Love the way you've handled the hair too. You can feel the volume of it. *thumbs up*