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Industry and Education


If it's related to the games industry or education, it goes in here!

Singapore MMO Project

I have heard about a few Australian developers heading off to the Singapore MMO project headed by Andrew Carter. Does anyone have any more details about the project? It is great to see Andrew able to get people to work on it. Is it true that Atari have already invested in it?

Submitted by souri on Fri, 11/05/07 - 10:19 AMPermalink

Sounds very intriguing, I'd love to know as well. I might make a front page post about it. Didn't Andrew Carter start off at Beam, then to some company in Singapore, and then came back to Beam/Melbourne House in the early days?

Submitted by Kipperius on Tue, 15/05/07 - 6:57 AMPermalink

Winning developers from the Autralian industry to work on Andrew Carter's latest endeavour would indeed be a great achievement.

I can't imagine Atari would invest in such a project, but who knows, perhaps they have(?)

AIE Programming course advice

I was looking at the AIE online Cert III for programming.
I have a few questions which I asked them but I wanted to get peoples opinions.

1. What C++ stuff do you learn?
2. Is it enough to get a job as a game programmer?
3. If after completing this course how much of the
Cert IV - programming do I need to do?


Submitted by Leto on Wed, 18/04/07 - 3:05 AMPermalink

1) Mostly everything but only briefly - enough for small projects. Knowing how to write C++ code is very different from knowing how to write an entire game engine in C++.

2) If it's the only real programming experience you've got then no. There is way more to programming in general than can be covered in a single course. If you do have some programming experience behind you then you'd probably be wasting your time with the course.

3) Though a lot of topics might be revisited, they will be covered in much more depth, if only because there is more time to do so. And it's not like you can pick and choose if you still want the certificate at the end.

PhD opportunity in Virtual Rehab with scholarship

Details here:
at Flinders Uniaxon2007-02-20 18:18:56

Submitted by souri on Thu, 01/03/07 - 5:39 PMPermalink

Aww.. you should have sent this in to me to post on the main page!

Submitted by axon on Thu, 01/03/07 - 11:53 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=Souri] Aww.. you should have sent this in to me to post on the main page![/QUOTE] No time like the present.... please do! The more exposure you can offer the better.

We're still processing applications (and will leave it open for as long as another 8 weeks: other positions may also become available in the next couple of weeks pending delivery of a promised commitment from an industry sponsor which will fund another PhD and a couple more positions).

Chosing Courses Help

Hi all.

Next year I plan to go to Qantm and do a diploma in 3d, and this year my plan is to go to Tafe and either do a graphic design, or visual arts course in preparation for the diploma. What I can't decide as yet is what course I should focus on this year. Now, I've read somewhere previously that generally companies find people with skills in traditional art techniques (visual arts) to be highly complementary and beneficial to their 3d skill set and to the company they work for, but then again graphic design will have a lot of techniques, design processes, and software knowledge that crosses over with 3d games and film development very nicely. Which Tafe course do you think is the better way to go? A Tafe course in graphic design, or visual arts, or maybe neither and go with something else?

Please share your thoughts and ideas.

Need some info regarding gaming courses

well i am from india, i am working here as a game tester in one of the companies, i have completed my graduation, and now i am looking to study further in australia and was intrested in doing some post graduation course or even masters in relation to gaming that would lead to me doing game developing, so i wanted to know what post graduation courses can i persue so that leads me to being a game developer or designer rather than being game tester.
and one more thing can i work in any company as a game tester while studying there ??

any suggestions are welcomed
thanks in advance :)pisen2006-11-24 17:18:28

Game programmers wanted for awardwinning

Media Design School is urgently looking for students for its Graduate Diploma of Game Development (Programming Stream).

Anyone with computer science degree or background could be eligible for the course.

The Goliath game by Media Design School's Game Development graduates was winner of the 2006 Independent Games Festival Student Showcase, San Francisco, USA.

Microsoft has also recently announced a landmark partnership between Kiwi filmmakers Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh and Microsoft Game Studios to establish Wingnut Interactive - a New Zealand-based studio dedicated to the creation of world-class interactive entertainment.

As for the problems with some industries where graduates exceed industry need, the New Zealand Game Developers Association also said this year, "Given current enrolment numbers it would take until 2018 before we have enough graduates to get anywhere near (the target needed)."

For more information, visit Media Design School.Mario2006-11-16 01:39:27

Game Art Industry Graduation Event

TAFE SA Game Art Industry Graduation Event
It has now been just over two years since The South Australian Premier Mike Rann deployed special funding for TAFE SA to deliver the Advanced Diploma in Screen (Game Art) training and current graduates are ready to show their stuff to the SA Screen and Media Industry.

When:          Wednesday 6 December 2006

Where:          TAFE SA, Tea Tree Gully Campus
          100 Smart Road, Modbury
          Parking on site

Times:          10:00am session with refreshments afterwards
          or alternatively
          4:00pm session with refreshments afterwards

The eleven graduating Game Art students have collaborated with computer programming students from University of South Australia and sound design students from Elder Conservatorium, Adelaide University to develop and present market-ready video game concepts. The event will comprise 4 x 10 minute team pitch presentations in the TTG campus theatre. There will also be a gallery showcase of the Digital Media Design Department Students? work in areas of video gaming, handheld and mobile content as well as multimedia interface design. Industry and guest welcome.

To secure your place, please contact Piers Cable on 8207 8190 or

Submitted by nooba on Sat, 25/11/06 - 9:37 AMPermalink

For those that can't make it, will there be any information/pictures posted on the internet afterwards?

Media Design School Open Day - Wednesday

Spotted on forums...

Media Design School will be hosting an open day on Wednesday, 1 November 2006. The Open Day will provide information about specialist creative career opportunities and industry relevant training available at MDS to assist you in planning the best academic pathways to make your dream career a reality. Student work will be on display and staff on hand to answer any questions. Both student games produced by MDS grads will be on display.

MDS is offering Open Day attendees the chance to win a $2000 scholarship towards tuition fee for any MDS qualifications. To go into the draw, simply bring your answers the following question to the open day.

Question: Name any three diploma (undergraduate or graduate) qualifications offered at Media Design School.
Hint: visit

Open Day Details:
Wednesday 1 November from 12pm - 7pm
Media Design School, Level 12, Queen Street, Auckland
For more information email or phone us on (09) 3030 402.

Need Advice for the best education in 3D

Hey everyone my name is Daniel and soon to graduate year 12 of high school and need advice on the best place to go next year, i only know a place called JMC Academy in Sydney which provides 3D education, and at the moment i'm not sure if should go there cause i want to get the most of my money, and don't know what do education wise, please i really like some advice, becoming new to the industry. Any good schools aswell that incase i don't get a high UAI for the Uni's

In the Sydney area

Wondering if you all would like to have a look at my school project, and if i am capable of becoming good at 3D, this is a movie i created for which i've uploaded on youtube

dan19892006-10-18 04:09:47

Submitted by souri on Wed, 18/10/06 - 11:41 PMPermalink

You could consider studying a 3D animation and modelling related course at the Enmore Design centre - although I'm not sure how easy it is to get in though, but it is a pretty good place to study from all I've heard.

Just a tip, Team Bondi hired a fair few students who studied 3D and animation from there.

Enmore Design Centre

Submitted by Frostblade on Thu, 19/10/06 - 10:21 AMPermalink

I think you need a school that teaches you advanced stuff. Maybe you should talk to some people who have had experience with certain places before you make up your mind. It's a huge time and money investment so you should be fully informed.

You won't get the most out of your money if you don't understand the product you will buy.

However at the end of the day it's up to you to apply what you learn to get yourself into the industry. Some people who are self taught can still be 100 time better than a graduate...portfolio speaks more than that paper.

In the meantime keep doing what you love.

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Thu, 19/10/06 - 2:12 PMPermalink

Pretty damn tight Dan.

Fun video to watch, but maybe the camera on the chase sequence could be smoothed out. It's a little nauseating the way it bounces and twists.

Be careful of the lure of space ships though. They're fun, but they aren't the best way to showcase your abilities.

You will probably want to shift your focus toward humanoid characters. Improve your knowledge of anatomy (life drawing classes are good for this). Colour theory too, and lighting. (look up Joel Styles web page, I think he has some handy stuff on there)

Fundaments in these area's will allow you to develop your skills in a more focused manner.

I am impressed by your video though, it demonstrates a willingness to apply yourself and see a project through to completion. This is something lacking in a lot of wannabe artists, keep pushing your art and you'll get there.

Er as per your question. Research your school like Frostblade suggested. It's a big investment to jump into blindly, so plan ahead!

Sorceror Bob2006-10-19 04:13:14

Submitted by dan1989 on Thu, 19/10/06 - 4:17 PMPermalink

Hey thanks guys for the advice, if there's something on my mind is is there any college i shouldn't go to, like ones people recommend to stay away from, because they are poor, like i heard of colleges like SAE, JMC, AIE, AIT, MAD Academy and don't know much about how in-depth with there teachings with 3D, and what are the various diploma or degrees are called for 3D?, does these things really count in finding a job?, or really its unessary?

Submitted by Aureus on Thu, 19/10/06 - 8:13 PMPermalink

AIE has a pretty good reputation from what I have heard. :)

I good say having an awesome portfolio would be most important and I guess any studio would have a prefence for someone who went to Uni. But yeah the guy with the best portfolio would most likely get the job. :)

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 20/10/06 - 5:51 AMPermalink

Only thing I'll add to what's said so far is that Australia does not have any educational institution that attracts the type of acclaim that places like the vancouver film school do. In other words, there is no place in Australia which is seen as a gaurantee that you will come out employable at all from what you learn there. With this said however, doing something that gets you closer to the people, environment, and type of work you wish to pursue is a very good thing still, just realise that you are going to need to rely on your own time and work to get employable (which is of course the ultimate goal here).

With thousands of animation and game graduates every year, and only a very small handful of finite positions in Australia opening each year, it does mean that skills are more important than your piece of paper, and for those skills I gaurantee you will gain the most value from sweating away at home in your own time after school hours.

Submitted by dan1989 on Fri, 20/10/06 - 9:46 AMPermalink

True, thanks, is there anyway to increase the industry here in Australia?, is it because Australia is new to the idea of 3D?

Submitted by Caroo on Fri, 20/10/06 - 10:30 AMPermalink

I seccond that mate.

It applys to all positions. You Gotta show passion, guts and most of all demonstrate your ability to work hard.

And keep at it!

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 20/10/06 - 11:20 AMPermalink

This is off in a bit of a tangent to education, but hey if it helps ya :)

[QUOTE=dan1989] True, thanks, is there anyway to increase the industry here in Australia?, is it because Australia is new to the idea of 3D?[/QUOTE]

I was really surprised to see that question - it's not often you hear it. My knee jerk reaction is that it's irrelevant, but at the end of the day I dont know how the industry could be increased, or if even increasing its size would be a positive thing.

My guess is that I think project and job demands need to be met for the amount of graduates being pumped out yearly, but even before that, the graduates that are coming out need to be employable first.

Submitted by dan1989 on Fri, 20/10/06 - 12:53 PMPermalink

yeh exactly, cause i don't hear alot on 3D as a position in many jobs, so it seems to mean, that its fairly hard to find jobs in the 3D industry in Australia, like i was thinking, there are courses which i've looked up an there like 9,000 dollars per year for 3 years this course is called Bachelor of Communication Studies and was, wow!, thats expense but i could save my save alot of money using that money to buy video tutorials or apply for certificates on the web an i'll be fine, any objection to that?, like what would be the advantages and disadvantages?

Submitted by Aureus on Fri, 20/10/06 - 6:32 PMPermalink

I think the main disadvantage is you wouldn't be having people tell you to do work etc. If you were 110% dedicated I see nothing wrong with it IMO.

Submitted by Brain on Sat, 21/10/06 - 5:42 AMPermalink

Another disadvantage would be the networking that'd happen at a uni or some such. Next to the skills you develop, this is such an important thing. Getting to know and work along side people who are interested in the same thing as you makes the experience that much more awesome. It also helps motivate you, especially when there's someone that whips out some work and makes you go "Whoa..." And then being able to see how they did it, bouncing ideas off them, and just working with them, sucking up their "secret magic powers".

Couldn't recommend a doing a course with real people more, even if the course ended up sucking (which hopefully, it won't @:-)

Submitted by Caroo on Sat, 21/10/06 - 8:56 AMPermalink

Comes down to your economic standing as well. If you have well off parents who are willing to pay for or at the least assist you in the courses payment then the course would be a great way to go.

Sadly not everyone is so lucky. If you don't have the money for these courses [but you do have limitless motivation hopefully] then home schooling is a great idea as well. As for networking. Again you're going to have to really go out on a limb and goto events and most of all. POST AND SHOWCASE YOUR WORK.

Both come with advantages and disadvantages. I know people who have come out of the AIE courses have had mixed feelings. Some loved the experience it gave them. Some came out thinking it was a waste of almost 18,000 dollars.

If you decide to home school. Books will a great asset, order books from online. grab a pen and a lot of paper and assimilate what the book has to teach. If you go education. Make sure to make the most of your course and research the course before you jump into it.

Submitted by dan1989 on Sat, 21/10/06 - 2:24 PMPermalink

yeh i'm not one of those lucky ones so, cost is a problem for me thats why i wanna seek an alternative, for further education in 3D, hmmm...., is there any difference for those who attend Uni and those who attend TAFE, or colleges, and home schooling?

Submitted by Caroo on Sat, 21/10/06 - 5:49 PMPermalink

Well mate. I can only really speak on behalf of the home school student. Anything else I say is an egotistical assumption.

So..Home schooling eh...

There is a requirement for home schooling. I've been told that around the broad 90% of people who attempt to teach themselves at home fail and end up ether collapsing into tafe and uni or they sink into a poorly classed labour or hospitality based jobs.

So. Before anything else mate. You gotta have motivation. LOTS of motivation!

Ask yourself. Can you, for 12..maybe even 24 months sit at home and study and teach yourself using books and internet tutorials?

And can you handle receiving harsh criticism from internet forums about your work..or even worse getting no advice at all.. Can you be your own worst critic?

If you can..if you think you have boundless motivation. Home schooling can be for you.


You do what you want, the way you want to and when you like to. This is great in many respects. Try not to think of it as no one is giving you guidelines as more so as you're allowed to pursue directly what you wanna learn without the extra unnessicery crap that might come with a course.

You wanna learn meshing? Do it.

You can work 10 hours a week or 50 hours a week. Essentially if you want to you can cover the equivalent of 2 years worth of uni work in one year! How cool is that!

Remember though. Your the one whose gonna have to whip yourself to do that. can you?

You also have a freedom of no alignment. All that really means is that no one really can make an assumption on your half based on the school you go to. They have to see your work before they do that!

Also. When you score big and get a owe no money to no one! Sweeeeeet.


Lack of social interaction I have to say is a big one. At the least. Spend one day a week NOT studying and NOT working and go over to your friend and ass around for a while. Studying at home can also mean you could before anti-social and bitter. Try to avoid that mate.

Another thing is that networking will be somewhat harder. You don't have the flexibility that a uni or tafe has to get lectures from experienced dudes. So you will have to make it a mission to go out and meet these people yourself over the net and in person. Attend events in your state.

Lack of help is a big one as well. Your teacher is you really. If something goes wrong or you don?t understand something you can't ask your teacher..becouse hes you..and you don?t know. The remedy for this is to FIND OUT. The Internet is awesome for this and will have answers for 99% of your issues relating to your studies.

Also. Another issue that studying alone. You could be perceived as a lone wolf, someone who cannot work in a team. The answer to that is to engage in team projects.
Or mainly. Be nice and don't act like a dick over the net.


There?s a good reason why home schooling has a 90% failure rate. IT'S HARD TO MANAGE! But. If you can be one of the 10% that strive and continue to work at it you will impress! I guarantee.

Granted that you display your work somewhere where people will see perhaps!

Cheers mate. Good luck with your choices. And make sure to get opinions form ALL sides of education before you go ahead.

Submitted by dan1989 on Sat, 21/10/06 - 6:30 PMPermalink

Wow that definately, open me up things i didn't know, thanks alot for that :), is there such thing as interships for 3D?

New game dev studio: Wingnut Interactive


Microsoft Partners with Peter Jackson

Microsoft has announced a landmark partnership between Academy Award-winning writer, director, and producer Peter Jackson, Academy Award-winning screenwriter Fran Walsh, and Microsoft Game Studios to create two new interactive entertainment series exclusively for Xbox 360? and Xbox Live?.

The first series will be a collaborative effort with Bungie Studios to co-create the next great chapter in the Halo universe. The second series will be an entirely original property targeted at bringing new audiences into the captivating world of interactive entertainment.

In addition, Microsoft Game Studios will partner with Jackson and Walsh to establish Wingnut Interactive, a studio dedicated to the creation of world-class interactive entertainment.

Expanding Interactive Entertainment

Xbox 360 continues to expand the interactive entertainment landscape, enabling industry superstars to take beloved franchises in exciting new directions. Microsoft Game Studios announced its partnership with Jackson to herald in a new age of interactive entertainment that can only be realized on Xbox 360 and Xbox Live.

The goal of this partnership is to create new stories and redefine the way they are told. The first part of this long-term relationship is for Jackson, Walsh and team to bring to life two new interactive entertainment experiences exclusively for the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live.

The first project is to co-write, co-design and co-produce a completely new and original chapter in the Halo universe in collaboration with Bungie Studios. The second project is an entirely original property from the team in New Zealand that will not only bring a whole new interactive story to life, but will also captivate new audiences that have yet to discover the power of interactive entertainment.

Wingnut Interactive

In addition, in collaboration with Microsoft Game Studios, Jackson and Walsh are creating Wingnut Interactive. The two will create a world-class interactive entertainment studio that fuses the strength of Microsoft?s technology and interactive entertainment experience with the creative and imaginative excellence of the Wingnut Interactive team.

?Microsoft has built an amazing living canvas with Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, which allows the storytellers of our time to express themselves in a new medium. They have fundamentally changed how people think about games,? Jackson said. ?My vision, together with Microsoft Game Studios, is to push the boundaries of game development and the future of interactive entertainment. From a movie-maker?s point of view, it is clear to me that the Xbox 360 platform is the stage where storytellers can work their craft in the same way they do today with movies and books but taking it further with interactivity.?


I'm assuming this will set up shop in New Zealand somewhere.Scrow2006-09-28 04:02:30

Submitted by Jackydablunt on Fri, 29/09/06 - 10:39 AMPermalink

Well I reckon it would be feature creep central, but Wingnut would be a hell of an awesome place to work

Submitted by souri on Fri, 29/09/06 - 11:36 AMPermalink

I've just made an update to the news item, the new studio will indeed be in New Zealand...

[QUOTE]Wingnut Interactive will be based in New Zealand, Henson said. But he would not elaborate on the business terms of the deal.[/QUOTE]

- 01:36:39

Submitted by Jackydablunt on Fri, 29/09/06 - 12:39 PMPermalink

"Braindead the game!"

Was that another name for Bad Taste? cause I'd LOVE to play that, blowing up sheep with RPGs, hell yeah

Submitted by rezn0r on Fri, 29/09/06 - 1:39 PMPermalink

Braindead is the Peter Jackson zombie movie with the Kung Fu Catholic Priest with the heavy NZ Accent (Iiii Kick Aaaarsse for the LOOOORD!!!")

Youtube Link

Best Peter Jackson movie you'll see. :)


Submitted by Mario on Fri, 29/09/06 - 5:04 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=Souri] I've just made an update to the news item, the new studio will indeed be in New Zealand...[/QUOTE]

Jackson has confirmed the studio will be based in Wellington.

Submitted by josh on Fri, 29/09/06 - 7:42 PMPermalink

This is fantastic news! Hopefully, that bring in a boost to NZs game industry.

Submitted by Jackydablunt on Mon, 02/10/06 - 4:49 AMPermalink

"Braindead is the Peter Jackson zombie movie with the Kung Fu Catholic Priest with the heavy NZ Accent (Iiii Kick Aaaarsse for the LOOOORD!!!") Best Peter Jackson movie you'll see. :)"

............. Ok I'm sold, just that scene was enough for me

Submitted by animal on Mon, 16/10/06 - 6:53 AMPermalink

Does any one know the contact details for Wingnut Interactive yet?
I'd like to get in contact with them, and try to apply for work there.

Submitted by Johnn on Mon, 16/10/06 - 7:23 AMPermalink

LOL! I just googled to see if wingnut interactive have a website up and the number 1 listing is Sumea!

no Wingnut site though - we will have to wait and see what sort of hiring they are going to do.

edit: and I predict Chris Johnson will be sent an offer to purchace his domain name in the near future too! ( lucky bugger JohnN2006-10-15 21:27:49

Submitted by Neffy on Mon, 16/10/06 - 9:47 AMPermalink

Ohh gogo NZ

It all sounds very exciting :D

Submitted by souri on Mon, 16/10/06 - 5:29 PMPermalink seems to be parked at the moment.

I've found that if you search for any of the local developers on google, Sumea shows up at least on the first page of the search. Sometimes it's even 1st, or 2nd placed. It's all the more reason for developers to regularly update their info in the Sumea wiki, since it's one of the top places where people find out about their company.

That reminds me, I should make an entry in the database for Wingnut Interactive. Souri2006-10-16 07:29:57

Game Connect Asia

Just wondering who from these forums is going? I wouldn't mind meeting some new people from the local industry. I need all the contacts I can get =] 04:45:32

Submitted by souri on Fri, 29/09/06 - 10:00 PMPermalink

You know what, I should really get off my arse and get to one of these AGDC's at least once. I'd probably have to be going by myself, I don't see any of my friends wanting to go. But there's definately a big contigent of Brisbane based Sumean's that would be a blast to have some sort of meetup with.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sat, 30/09/06 - 4:32 PMPermalink

i have a housemate who would love to go, just not for the admission price :
but i kinda have to if im serious enough about the industry, which i am. besides, it looks to be very interesting.

Submitted by Neffy on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:10 PMPermalink

I am going :) i know u all want to meet me so come too ^_^

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:14 PMPermalink

no, wait, i think i left my my apartment on fire. in december. sorry cant make it anymore.

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 02/10/06 - 4:52 AMPermalink

Still no speakers announced, and until there are I'm not signing up. The price is too steep to go pay not knowing what I'm going to get.

I understand it's cheeper than the GDC in the US, though that is much, much larger. And it's about the same price as the AGDC, but in previous years this has been a little larger also, and at least had announced speakers by this time.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Mon, 02/10/06 - 7:59 AMPermalink

well the actual keynotes sound interesting, even if we dont know the actual names of the people talking...

Submitted by J I Styles on Tue, 03/10/06 - 3:52 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=LiveWire]...And it's about the same price as the AGDC...[/QUOTE]

I remember AGDC being more around the $900 mark?

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 04/10/06 - 4:27 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=J.I. Styles] [QUOTE=LiveWire]...And it's about the same price as the AGDC...[/QUOTE]

I remember AGDC being more around the $900 mark?[/QUOTE]

Correct. AGDC hasn't been that cheap since the very first one in '99.

Submitted by Red 5 on Wed, 04/10/06 - 7:37 AMPermalink

Well I've just registered for it... hope I'm not the only one there

I'd love to finally meet and chat with some Sumeans.
To spot me, I'll most probably be wearing a T-shirt with 'Virtual Mechanix' plastered on it

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 11:03 AMPermalink

maybe i should wear my nintendo shirt to stand out. but then again, the shirt is so incredibly stylish its easy to not notice im a dork.

Submitted by Zax on Wed, 04/10/06 - 11:35 AMPermalink

Correct. AGDC hasn't been that cheap since the very first one in '99.[/QUOTE]

Ah, those were the days. The first one was excellent fun - the weaponry provided at the dinner was actually a surprise. Although the guy singing about the games industry at the dinner was a bit of a dud.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 12:01 PMPermalink

i guess $900 means that its an industry employee only event. i know if i wasnt under a salary i couldn't justify $900. gameconnect isnt like that

Submitted by Zax on Wed, 04/10/06 - 12:07 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] i guess $900 means that its an industry employee only event. i know if i wasnt under a salary i couldn't justify $900. gameconnect isnt like that[/QUOTE]

GCAP is $375 including the Masterclass.

From memory the first AGDC was $330.

Submitted by Neffy on Wed, 04/10/06 - 2:14 PMPermalink

The program looks really interesting I?m finding it hard to pick which ones I?m going to go to, there are even ones scheduled at the same time when id like to see both. :(

Im confused as to the difference between the Masterclass and megapass registration categories (apart from price) megapass includes masterclass and 2day conference rego. ... but what does masterclass contain. It says I can get student rates ... but what is a student rate and is there any disadvantages or things I cant go to as a student...

Its hurting my brain :(

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 04/10/06 - 3:58 PMPermalink

damn. i shouldn't have graduated.

I too am confused as to what exactly you get access to when you get the MASTERCLASS (presumably only one day?).

Probably because thats the only one ill be able to afford.

Submitted by Red 5 on Wed, 04/10/06 - 5:36 PMPermalink

I think each of the masterclasses covers a full day of one particular subject.

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 05/10/06 - 6:32 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=_Zax]Ah, those were the days. The first one was excellent fun - the weaponry provided at the dinner was actually a surprise. Although the guy singing about the games industry at the dinner was a bit of a dud.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, good times - an eager crowd of game developers, keynote speaker getting escorted out by security during the nerf gun fight, drinks a plenty, people ganging up on Microsoft, and a limitless supply of addictive blue mints.

Submitted by Zax on Thu, 05/10/06 - 6:37 AMPermalink

Ah yes, good times - an eager crowd of game developers, keynote speaker getting escorted out by security during the nerf gun fight, drinks a plenty, people ganging up on Microsoft, and a limitless supply of addictive blue mints.[/QUOTE]

If I remember correctly, it was an Intel guy (Kim Pallister?) who got escorted out for shooting a security guard with a sucker dart. It was a case of "Intel Outside".

Well, it was funny at the time.

Submitted by Zax on Fri, 06/10/06 - 5:06 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] damn. i shouldn't have graduated.

I too am confused as to what exactly you get access to when you get the MASTERCLASS (presumably only one day?).

Probably because thats the only one ill be able to afford.[/QUOTE]

The Masterclass is a full day session covering one topic in detail. Note that for the Sony Masterclass you'll need to be covered by an NDA.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 06/10/06 - 12:35 PMPermalink

So i get a full day on the show floor (if there is one) and access to one of the master classes on during that day?

Submitted by Zax on Fri, 06/10/06 - 12:41 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=PeterDavis] So i get a full day on the show floor (if there is one) and access to one of the master classes on during that day?[/QUOTE]

From the web site it looks like if you pay for just the masterclass, thats all you get. There is no Expo on at the same time.

Mega pass is masterclass and 2-day conference, 2-day pass is just that (no masterclass).

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 18/10/06 - 2:59 PMPermalink

im still a little confused. so the masterclasses are in the top table, and the stuff outside the masterclasses are below it, in the coloured table?

and if there is no expo, why is there a big EXPO column down the main itinerary table? I am le confused

Submitted by CynicalFan on Wed, 18/10/06 - 3:24 PMPermalink

It seems fairly straightforward to me. Masterclasses are all on Thursday. And the expo is scheduled to run on both Friday and Saturday when the core conference starts ? unless someone organising the event has said otherwise.

The last table about student information sessions, are an expansion of the sessions that run on Saturday.

I didn't realise they had added speakers to the table. Looks like it is shaping up well, but, I'd still like to know who the keynote speakers are ? the Perth's GO3 already has their's up.

I'm guessing we'll know about a month out to the conference starting who the keynote speakers are and the majority of the finalised speakers for the other sessions ? hopefully for all of them.

Submitted by amckern on Mon, 23/10/06 - 7:31 PMPermalink

I am going along with 2 of my staff, hope it turns out good :)

PS. Email me if you want a preshow look at Prime (address in profile)

Submitted by Neffy on Tue, 24/10/06 - 4:45 PMPermalink

Its all making much more sense I?m really looking forward to going now.

Watch out for me I?m going to be making you vote for our unsigned game -_^

Submitted by souri on Fri, 27/10/06 - 9:27 AMPermalink

I just realised that I couldn't possibly make it to Game Connect. That weekend has been set for my dad. It's sort of a huge family + relatives get together thing. Doh!

Submitted by amckern on Fri, 27/10/06 - 9:29 AMPermalink

[QUOTE=Souri] I just realised that I couldn't possibly make it to Game Connect. That weekend has been set for my dad. It's sort of a huge family + relatives get together thing. Doh![/QUOTE]

Ah well, they will have to move GCAP then amckern2006-10-26 23:30:13

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 03/11/06 - 3:11 AMPermalink

Sidhe Interactive will be there with 4 staff total (too many deadlines for more to come across :( ).

There will also be a New Zealand stand on the expo for the second year running. Last time we only had 4 companies on the stand - this time we have 7. Make sure to stop by and take a look at whats happening development wise across the ditch :)

The Brisbane Game Development Meetup Group

Greetings! I am Cevius (aka Adam Corbally) one of the operators of the Brisbane Game Development Meetup Group or BGDM.

People with a common interest meet - share ideas + interests. The more motivated will take on projects or share objectives. The group offers an opportunity to keep focused and moving forward. Together.

Let's put Brisbane on the map.

We have finaly begun holding meetings again!
Here is the relevant Info!

Saturday, September 16, 5:30 PM
Pavilion Bar - Stamford Plaza
Cnr Edward & Margaret Streets Brisbane CBD
Brisbane, QL
07 3221 1999


Everyone with an interest in games development in brisbane is welcome to join and turn up. Its a good place to meet other people interested in getting into the games field in brisbane!

I hope to see you there! [;)]

Submitted by Yug on Wed, 30/08/06 - 11:16 PMPermalink

Not that I'm against more constructive meets of people in the game developer industry, but dosen't the IDGA Brisbane chapter already do something along these lines?

Submitted by Caroo on Thu, 31/08/06 - 12:22 AMPermalink

*snifs* what about melbourne? arn't we important anymore XD hahahaha.

Someone really should organise a student to industry meep-up down here.

Submitted by KellyGreen on Thu, 31/08/06 - 8:59 AMPermalink

quote:Not that I'm against more constructive meets of people in the game developer industry, but dosen't the IDGA Brisbane chapter already do something along these lines?

Yes we are aware of the IGDA Brisbane Chapter, of which I go to as many meetings as I can, My only thought is that the more meetings we have, the more people we can reach and spread the Brisbane game development community. Someone might hear about us (BGDM) and from us hear the about the IGDA - I suppose you could almost call us a middle man organisation =)

Questions about Griffith and AIE

I'm not an australian resident, but am considering education related to art/animation/game-design. (even not game related programs, because as a foreigner any education helps attaining visas, and art fascinates me as a whole)

A few questions for people who have/are attending these 2 schools :

AIE : I hear people going for 2years, but i only saw two design related diplomas - one is the screen diploma and other is game/animation art.
1. Is there a diploma running over 2 years or did those students simply take both diplomas ?
2. As someone who has a general idea of the 3d dingo, i am wondering if the courses simply offer an overview about software functionalities, or do they provide art related skills and critique (such as drawing, anatomy, or whatever isn't just how to do keyframes in maya or unwrap an object)

Griffith University :
3. On the 3d part of the program which software is used (maya,3dsmax, or what ?)

Thanks for reading, and hope to see some responses :)

Submitted by c8 on Sat, 26/08/06 - 1:10 AMPermalink

Hi Chai,

I work here at AIE Melbourne, and hopefully can answer some of your questions, and hope that some of our graduates/students will give you some feedback also.

Firstly, I will say that AIE courses are very focused on providing our students the skills they will use in the Games and related 3D industries.
This means that our courses feature advanced 3D techniques, rather than art theory. Students also undertake some lifedrawing components, this is relatively smaller.

Students come to AIE with artistic skills and learn 3D as the medium of their art. This is why students also need to provide a portfolio of artwork as part of the application process, so AIE tutors can assess a students artisitic merit and ability to create in a 3D medium.

The Diploma of Computer Game Development is a 1 year course, however most students without extensive 3D experience will undertake the Certificate IV in Screen (available in Melbourne)or Certificate IV in 3D Animation for Games and Film (available in Canberra)to develop the fundamental 3D modelling, texturing and animating skills required for the Diploma level courses.

If you can demonstrate that you already have these skills you can apply for direct entry into the Diploma Programs. The diploma programs are structured so students can develop individual showreels and gain practical experience which assists students in finding industry employment. This practical emphasis is a huge advantage to our students, with over 80% of 2005 graduates currently working in the Games and Film Industries.

I guess you need to decide if you want to do a vocational course that will equip you for a career in games and related 3D industries, or are you more interested in increasing your artistic knowledge?

Goodluck with your decisions and future.

For further information I can be contacted on

Submitted by Chai on Mon, 28/08/06 - 4:24 AMPermalink

Thanks for the well written and honest reply, appreciate it :)

Submitted by Mikeylee on Fri, 27/10/06 - 10:44 AMPermalink

so 80% of Graduates are working in 2005, do you have any more recent figures?

Submitted by Neilb on Fri, 27/10/06 - 12:54 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=Mikeylee] so 80% of Graduates are working in 2005, do you have any more recent figures?[/QUOTE]

What c8 wrote was "over 80% of 2005 graduates currently working in the Games and Film Industries. "

The 2005 graduates are the most recent graduates and will be until the current final-year students become 2006 graduates at the end of this year.

Submitted by DoubleSupercool on Fri, 01/12/06 - 5:01 AMPermalink

The AIE courses do not focus on background art theory.

Two other things to consider (cost wise) are that as a foreign student I don't believe you will be able to get the subsidised rate for the Cert IV course, which puts the price up considerably.

Also, the 2nd year games course is not subsidised while the film course is.

I did the film course and got offered a job compositing cinematics within 3mths of starting the course. 3 of my mates in the games course just got jobs as well.

Of course, this all comes down to how good you are and how you sell yourself ;)

GameConnect to replace FreePlay?

Talking with some of the ModDB Staff members, and friends has lead me to understand that GameConnect will be hosted in Qld, and is to supersede the FreePlay conference.

The dates that have been tossed out are 30Nov-1Dec.

Has one heard anything, or got any news on the said conference?


The Age blog and the consequent comments

Okay, in case anyone missed the blog, here it is:…

Please please please archive this for prosterity. A sining example of the maturity of various members of the games industry in Australia. As a1studmuffin posts - "Pass the popcorn"


Submitted by lorien on Tue, 25/07/06 - 4:31 AMPermalink

Pretty impressive.

As an old time Atari computer user I've always found it very strange that Infogrammes would pick that name.

It used to be a joke that people bought Atari computers despite their marketing rather than because of it, and not only did management's right hand not know what the left was doing, but it seemed to have a pretty fuzzy idea about what it was doing itself.

It also used to be a joke that TOS (Atari OS) was itself a bug.

Seems like Infogrammes is keeping the spirit of the Atari name alive.

edit: I'm amazed Katharine was so subdued. That has to be the mildest thing she's said on the topic of AMH in years. Some good comments about a certain Ben towards the end too [;)]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 26/07/06 - 3:15 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by baboon

Okay, in case anyone missed the blog, here it is:…

Please please please archive this for prosterity. A sining example of the maturity of various members of the games industry in Australia. As a1studmuffin posts - "Pass the popcorn"


I don't think that page will be going anywhere, and I'm pretty sure it's been read by pretty much everyone in or interested in the industry by now.

I'm surprised that there's still a lot of bad blood still brewing over some of the situations mentioned (that exodus happened a long, long time ago! Around 2003? Definately after Grand Prix). I guess you had to be there.

Submitted by baboon on Fri, 28/07/06 - 9:52 PMPermalink

Okay...I shouldn't really say this but I'm going to anyway. Most of the bad blood was and is directed towards one person, it's just a real shame that the entire company more or less gets tarred with the same brush.

Call for industry guest speakers for IRC chat

Hi, i've been running an IRC chat every week to answer questions from students and such looking to get into the industry. Guest speakers from the industry (other than myself) would be much appreciated! It's just one night on a web-based IRC channel and everyone would really enjoy it! If you're interested, please send me an email via the forums (click on my name) so i can let the students and others know more than a week in advance to come, thanks!

More about the IRC

Submitted by Ash on Mon, 24/07/06 - 5:44 AMPermalink

In 2 weeks time, we will have Jason Schroder, a programmer from Krome Studios. Jason has been working in the industry as a game programmer for 5 years. Thanks Jason! Students, get your questions ready if you want to know anything about being a programmer in the games industry, or how to get into the industry as a programmer!

That's 2 weeks time - Thursday 3 August 2006 at 8pm on the IGDA IRC channel

More details on the IRC chat at

Submitted by Scrow on Tue, 25/07/06 - 1:59 AMPermalink

that's great. *thumbs up*

btw, i'll remember to come this week [:p]

Submitted by Ash on Fri, 18/08/06 - 6:30 AMPermalink

Next week on Thurs 24 Aug we are going to have Dale! Dale has been working in the industry in QA for about 4 years now. He's worked at Torus, Perception and is currently at Atari Melbourne House. Please come along and ask questions to get the most out of this opportunity!

HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i know ziro about game programing and im would like to study at charles sturt uni course"" in five years and i would like to know what computer languages i should learn and what books i should read any one know a good auss mag about related to do with computers and game programing
or just game programing.



Submitted by Angel on Wed, 09/08/06 - 11:27 PMPermalink

Hi Tim,

From the sounds of things, you're still at school? If so, my advice is to focus on getting good grades, especially in maths and computer science. A lot can change in 5 years and the game dev industry, and educational courses are no exception so it may be a little early to give advice on what you should aim for.

You may also want to check out and for some good programming resources.


Submitted by Mikeylee on Fri, 27/10/06 - 10:58 AMPermalink

Hey Tim

you can get a bachelor of Interactive Entertainment Majoring in Games Programming at Qantm College.

check out

that degree has been designed in conjunction with the industry and will take you only 2 years.

3D animation advice needed

I need some advice,
I?m a professional 2D animator in Melbourne and I?m looking at getting in to 3D, I have basic Max skills and am thinking of undergoing a Short course offered at AIE
( ) could anyone recommend this course?
And the other thing I wanted to know about was what the employment opportunity is like in Melbourne and what the salary was like for 3d animators; say a junior animator, and a senior animator? Am I being to vague?

Brisbane IGDA: LAN party at 1PM, Sunday, 9 July

An invitation to game developers? pass it on:

We are pleased to announce a meetup for the Greater Brisbane IGDA chapter!

Next event: What, who, when, where

WHAT: A LAN party where we visit the two ends of the gaming spectrum: an online text MUD and Unreal Tournament.

What is a MUD? Game developers need to see a MUD for the same reason writers need to read Shakespeare. It's roots, baby. The great-grand-daddy of World of Warcraft, with Everquest as its secret love child. This is an ideal chance to get a guided tour and see where it all came from. Then fast forward to the 21st century where we run around and shoot each other.

WHO: Anyone active, once-active, or actively pursuing a career in the game development industry. Those not in the industry and not yet fully dedicated to breaking in, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the wider community.

WHEN: Sunday, 9 July, from 1PM until 5PM.

WHERE: QUT Creative Industries Precinct at Kelvin Grove, Z block - level 2 [the terrace], rooms z2-235, 237. Near intersection of Musk Avenue and Kelvin Grove Road. Park anywhere.

FINDING US: If you can?t find us, call the Help number below.

HELP: Superwoman truna's number (SMS preferred) is 04 0488 4027. Backup number is Matt's: 04 2315 7363.

UPDATES: Before the event, check replies to this event thread to see if there have been any changes in plan:

Meeting us online

If you already know how to play a MUD, we can use your help as a guide, so please come by. But if you cannot make it, meet us in the MUD. A follow-up email will be sent with details. If you get lost, send a text to Matt.

Bring Unreal mods

If you?d like to play a particular Unreal mod, please bring it burned onto one or more CDs so we can spread it around the lab. For questions, please contact truna.

Pass this on

Contagion power! Please forward this message to everyone you know in the game development industry here.

Because this IGDA chapter is strictly against poaching practices, we hope you feel safe sending this invitation to others in your game company.

If you got this invitation second-hand, you should join the low-traffic email list so you get future invitations directly. Simply email and follow the directions that ensue. Note that you do not have to get a Yahoo userID; you can elect just to join the mailing list without joining the group itself. There are only a few emails a month on that list so don?t be spam-shy; sign up!

The IGDA mailing list is for announcements only. To ask questions and have discussions, please visit the chapter forum.

What is the IGDA?

The IGDA helps game developers gather together in a non-competitive atmosphere to relax and learn from each other. To learn more about this IGDA chapter, please see our home page at:

To reply to the forums, you will need to become an IGDA member. However, there is a free membership available.

See you there

Please check forum event thread, please come, please pass this on to other game developers!

Matt Ford
Chief Disorganizer

Submitted by Scrow on Wed, 05/07/06 - 5:27 AMPermalink

i will be there, even if it means going to the last place i want to be during the holidays... my university [:p]

Dark Reign era at Auran

I've been hunting for stuff to put in the Sumea wiki for Auran, and I found this little gem which I thought I'd share. I've heard of the problems Auran had back in the day of Dark Reign where developers left in droves (some went on to create Pandemic studios and Evolution games, while others went to Krome Studios etc).

Of course, I do have to say this was back in 2000, and is no way indicative of how Auran are now [;)], but it's an interesting piece of local game developer history and pretty much folklore. This all happened late 2000, around 6 months before Sumea started up. I wish Fatbabies had an archive of this thread by ex-Auran employees.

btw, I read that Greg Lane (CEO) has since left Auran around late 2005. Is he still involved with MyVirtualHome?

From Planetcrap

Such tales include:

* Banning pool and (computer) games at work.

* "No flexi-time. you HAVE to be there before 9am, and you HAVE to stay until 5:30pm, even if you worked late into the night, or came in at 7am."

* "...3d artist there on $28,000 aus ($14,000 us)."

* Managers listening in on staff conversation.

* Staff are not allowed to open windows, managers claim "Because then they wont get closed".

As a result, staff left in droves. Resulting in a six month situation where managers outnumbered artists and progammers by 7:4. Which has been a boon for gamers as some of the splinter groups include Krome Studios (Kat Burgler), Evolution games (Europa), and staff that was taken into Pandemic Studios (Dark Reign 2, Battlezone 1/2). Currently there are only two staff members at Auran who worked on the orginal Dark Reign.

One of the higher-ups of Auran posted anonymously with their two cents on the situation:

"It's pretty simple. Everyone who is at Auran now is very happy to be there. Most of the people that claim to have left in the past were really pushed, because they just weren't good enough at their jobs. Of course these people are disgruntled, they missed out on a great opportunity. But ask anyone at Auran now and you'll see they consider it a privilege to be part of such a great team."

Which was met with this response from an ex-Auran employee:

I wasn't pushed. The founders of Pandemic Studios weren't pushed. The *entire* founding team of Evolution Games wasn't pushed. Half of Krome Studios wasn't pushed. The *entire* founding team of Pandemic Australia wasn't pushed. The reason they left was because you have absolutely no game development skills, will fuck over people without a care in the world, are a stuck up asshole who thinks they are an industry visionary just because they made a game once, and couldn't be fucked actually CARING for any of the projects you start and then hastily abandon.

Hey Greg, lets go over some of the FUCKED UP things you've done!...

Submitted by Brain on Thu, 15/06/06 - 8:07 PMPermalink

*laughs* Ahh, the Auran tales. I remember a rather worked up tale over having to stand in line for lunch. It was such a desolete feeling place when I visited there, but they had a tardis, so it couldn't be all bad. @;-P

Submitted by CynicalFan on Thu, 15/06/06 - 8:40 PMPermalink

[:D] That's the funniest developer related thing I have heard in a long while.

Anyway, I hope that Fury works out for them, funny though that they are not even using their much hyped AuranJet engine however. But all the best with it regardless [;)]

Submitted by Angel on Fri, 16/06/06 - 3:59 AMPermalink

Are there any Australian companies that don't have one form of conflict or another?

Many companies have just as many bad bits as they do good bits, it always just seems to depend what side of the fence you are on.

Managers vs Staff, Programmers vs Artists - where there are creative and passionate people, there is emotion and if not channelled properly, that emotion is bound to create drama.. such as the situation posted above by Souri.

I did an internship at Auran in 2005 and my personal experience was a positive one - For one, they gave me a chance in the industry. For another, people were really friendly and they have a lot of perks including free lunches, a never-ending supply of free softdrink and fruit, and once-a-month drinks night for everyone in the company.

Submitted by souri on Sat, 17/06/06 - 6:38 AMPermalink

I'll reiterate that it's totally of no indication of how Auran are now. Obviously this all happened 6 years ago, which is a very long time ago. I do find it an interesting piece of history though.

Submitted by kazii on Fri, 28/07/06 - 10:01 AMPermalink

I was an avid PlanetCrap reader back then, used the forum client and everything. That thread was what turned me off applying for a job with Auran. It's a good reminder of how not to treat your staff. I'm glad Auran have turned things around, Fury looks like a fun game to work on, hopefully a fun game to play too :)

Submitted by Gaffer on Fri, 06/10/06 - 11:14 AMPermalink

They've turned things around? Right.

USQ - Bachelor of Information Technology…

I saw this on PCPP's add rotaion the other day - it might be another of the 'jumping on the band wagon' courses, but here is the spiff.

Bachelor of Information Technology
(Games and Creative Technologies)

The University of Southern Queensland, Australia

The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) is fully accredited, is funded by the Australian Government and is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. USQ has approximately 25,000 students currently studying on-campus and by distance education.

USQ?s new Bachelor of Information Technology major has been developed in response to the rapidly growing gaming industry.

The Games and Creative Technologies major equips students with the skills to gain a career in the games industry. The major focuses on high performance programming, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, game engine production and use with emphasis placed on practical work.

The Computer Games Programming course educates students in the use C++ and an open source 3D games engine to create their own demo game and practice programming techniques used in the game development industry including artificial intelligence, environment navigation, graphical user interfaces and character modelling and animation.

Submitted by lorien on Sat, 10/06/06 - 10:18 PMPermalink

No criticism intended of USQ, but I find it curious that it's an IT degree rather than computer science. Don't know about everywhere else, but at La Trobe IT degrees are quite a bit more aimed at general computing than programming.

Masters in Emerging Media and Interactive

Australian Film, Television and Radio School now offer a graduate diploma and masters in Interactive Media and Emerging Design - homepage is at . There was also a SMH article on it at . Does anyone know anything about it? After finishing university, do you think it would be worth spending 2 years completing such a course, or is it better to just jump right into the workforce?

The site says:

"It's a broad brief, but it?s a huge field. We run the program in Interactive Media with a very simple goal: to skill students up. Once that?s done, we let them run wild. Students are expected to do groundbreaking work at AFTRS."

In the Graduate Diploma year, students learn an incredible breadth of interactive techniques, tightly integrated with a real-world production environment. In the MA program, the very best of these students will spend a year translating those skills into innovative new works in games, toys, mobile apps, interactive television, interfaces and interactivity."

It seems the second year is pretty focused on finishing a group project, which could be a game. How do you think this kind of program would compare with other courses specifically aimed at game development?
