My name is Matt. I studied the Bachelor of Interactive Entertainment (Master in Animation) at Qantm College in Brisbane and graduated in 2005. After graduation I applied for jobs, got some interviews, but never managed to actually land a job. Along with many of my classmates I ended up just working various sales/retail/service jobs. My most recent job was an assistant manager at EB Games for 2 years where I then quit to go back to uni and study business - I am now in my 2nd year and thinking about going back to games again.
The reason I am here is that I'm wondering what the state of the games industry in Australia is like. I have heard that it's been pretty tough, with multiple companies, eg. Krome, shutting down.
I love games. Games are my passion and I'd really like a job that has some kind of relation to games. Furthermore I don't want my games degree to go to waste. Since I have already done 3 semesters of business subjects, I've thought about perhaps doing something that combines all of my skills and knowledge - and have noticed that there is such a thing as a double degree - "Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment".
Perhaps I could steer my current business course and turn it into the above?
Perhaps I could change my major to marketing and do the "Entertainment Marketing" path. (I thought this one might be good as having a degree in gaming - knowing the development processes would give me an advantage over normal marketing graduates).
Perhaps I could just drop business all together and go back to purely games? Do a Masters degree? Self study? Build portfolio?
All of the above I'd be happy doing but I need to know more...
So yeah,
What is the industry like? Are there a lot of talented people currently un-employed already? All lining up for the next position to open up?
What areas are there demand in? Animation? Design? Marketing? Producers?
All info, advice, in any shape or form would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thank you in advance.
P.S. I've been reading through some of the threads below and have read some mixed messages from various posts.
My view, which I think agrees with the majority of the replies, is that the most important things are:
1. having an awesome show-reel that stands out, showing not only your skills, but also your imagination (originality), your talent.
2. coming to interviews prepared (and having a substantial amount of polished work to bring with to interview)
3. a great attitude, massive enthusiasm, and also good communication skills
I know it's very hard to get your foot in the door, you have to stand out, etc. etc. that's not what this post is about however - as mentioned above I want to know about the current state of the industry, what are companies needing and also what path should I take given my current skills, experience and knowledge etc.
-thanks again :)
"Game Development" is a very broad topic. What exactly do you want to do? Art, design, programming?
I can only speak from a programmer's point of view.
I honestly don't believe that there is any benefit whatsoever in doing a game-specific course. Do something more generally applicable, like Software Engineering or Computer Science.
The games industry is hard to break into. In Australia at the moment the supply of skilled game developers far exceeds the demand of the industry. Having a general degree will make it easy to get another job while you work on your game aspirations.
As for actually getting a game job, your portfolio will sell you much more than your degree. Invest the time and effort in building the requisite game skills in your own time. Make games the entire time you're studying. When you graduate you should hopefully have solid development skills from your studies and all the requisite game development skills from your personal work. You'll have a lot more opportunities available to you than if you go the game-only route.