Covering The Basics - sumea article
Any comments you'd like to give regarding the article !!
I think that to a large extent that this article breaks down what are the 'basic' elements, though I dont fully agree with what the writer thinks they are. "just what colour is brass under a blue light? " I dont know, If I needed it I would look it up but a mental data base of that type of information goes beyond the realm of basic in my opinion.
But other then that the article does little in the way of trying to teach, other then saying the usual, if you cant do something, don't bitch, study and practice it till you can. Mind you Im not sure there is much more you can say in a teaching vein in an article, or maybe the the article is just an observation.
Nut shell: Interesting, may get people thinking about what it is they really need to know on a basic level, but the answer is still the same, Get out there and Practice.
Quite a good article - with a few thought provoking comments but I'm not a fan of the colloquial writing style. Now that I'm wearing my pendantic hat, there were about 4 spelling errors and a few grammatical slips such as not starting a new sentence with a capital letter.
While that may seem like a needlessly negative comment (it's not intended that way), it undermines the good comments that are presented in the article. I for one find it hard to take an article seriously if it feels the need to use an emoticon to convey an opinion.
I do agree with the main theme of the article. It's too easy for artists to draw what they know and stick to what they like doing. I for one am reasonably guilty for doing this, so of late I've tried to expand my topics and subject matter.
I probably would have listed the third category (mental/social) as 'theoretical' - art theory can be applied to give you those answers you seek.
As a final point - I think more games artists need to have more traditional training. This will greatly help their 3d work.
Quite a few interesting thoughts there.
I think a few of the things he talks about arn't neccessarily the basics. Things like colour theory and understanding of how light interacts with various surfaces are IMHO fairly advanced approaches to the age old problem of how to make something look cool. He's right in that a lot of people don't know these principles. So does that make them basic or advanced?? Anyone can show you a colour wheel and say these colours are complimentary, these are opposing... use them in this way, but to really understand when and how to use them takes a lot time and experience I think.
For example, it took me ages to understand the the trick to painting game textures is in the edges and highlights of surfaces. Nothing explains the consistency of a surface better than what it's specular highlight is like. It took me years to figure this out and by the end of it, I was kicking myself. I couldn't understand how I hadn't understood this fairly simple principle before.
But yeah, good food for thought...
Some really great points Joel, I'd also add that you need to do art for yourself, not just to show off to others.
Destroying a personal challenge is a better ego boost than a thousand pats on the back.
Could'nt agree more.
I'm getting there friend. [:)]