Ok I'm going to ramble for a bit, hopefully someone will shed some light on this.
The game industry in Australia is growing, but it seems that only the Victorian and Queensland governments are smart enough to see that this is a BOOMING industry. In places like China, India and Korea, game development studios are popping up everywhere trying to provide enough content for online, wireless and console markets.
We have some very good companies here in Australia, and they need to be supported as well by assisting them score more high profile contracts.
The US film industry now recognizes NZ and Australia as a high quality low cost production base which probably is a lot due to the Government promoting it, but they just don't seem to see Gaming in the same callibur.
I have a friend in NZ who managed to get sponsorship from the NZ government (who JUMPED at the chance) to travel to GDC last year to try to get more business into NZ, I tried approaching the NSW government and their answer was "we don't do that sort of thing" ... they are concentrating more on film. I mean, if I said, sponsor me to close the deal for a new multi million dollar high profile film, I'm sure they'd jump at the chance. Games right now is baby steps and this is where it counts. Help a growing industry at the beginning and the results would be exponential right?
Anyone got ideas, or am I totally wrong?
You might want to email/message Maitrek on the forums here. I believe that he's going to the conference and I know he's from SA.