HOTMAIL AND GMAIL: problems registering or recovering password and using those email services?
Just a note for new members trying to register using a Hotmail or GMail email addresses, and users who had registered with those email services and have tried to recover their password on tsumea but don't receive any email with instructions on how to proceed with that.
Hotmail have our IP address on their block list which means none of the emails that tsumea emails to complete account registration or password recovery will be received. tsumea has never sent mass emails, but the guess is other web developers with the same web host as us are repeat offenders of that, so Hotmail have decided to block a whole range of IP addresses that our web host allocated to their clients.
So, from this point on, no more Hotmail registrations will be accepted, unfortunately - you'll have to use another email service. If you're trying to recover your account and you registered with a Hotmail email address, send me a message via twitter or facebook (links at the bottom of the page) and we'll sort it out.
GMail registrants - I can see in my logs that some of you register and receive your registration email to complete your registrations and log in fine, but I can also see others register and request a new password straight away a few times which tells me that you're not receiving the email to complete registration. Please check your spam folder in the case it may have been moved there, otherwise you'll have to contact me (Facebook or Twitter) and I can sort your account for you. Unfortunately, I cant communicate via email as obviously I use a tsumea email address which your web service is having issues with.
You can get a news feed, but it'll have to be in RSS form. An email subscription method like what you mentioned could be implemented but the RSS way is a much more efficient for the site and still convenient for users (everyone should be using an RSS feed reader to keep an eye out on their favourite sites, devlogs etc!)
The way to get the link to a RSS feed on tsumea should be a lot more obvious, but for the meantime, you get it via the tagging system. So, let's say you open up this job ad for a 3D artist:…
You'll see a clickable link for the 3D Artist tag under the heading:
Job Position type: 3D Artist
Click on that link and you'll get to a page listing all the latest jobs for 3D Artist. Here's where it gets a bit complicated. You'll have to view the page source to get the rss feed link. Search the html source in that page for "" and you'll get the link to add to your RSS feed reader. Here's a few examples.
For 3D Artists, the link would be:
Unity related jobs:
Senior Programmer:
All Sydney related job ads:
All Melbourne related job ads:
It should be a whole lot more easier to access the RSS feed link and I'll see about fixing that sometime, but I've just been pretty busy with my own game dev project.